A Look at Life in Africa, Part 2/2

Two women sit outside a small clinic in Gampela village on the outskirts of Burkina Faso's capital, Ouagadougou, Saturday October 10, 2020, waiting to take their children to the doctor. They sometimes wait up to four hours to get medical help. The public health clinic responsible for serving approximately 11,000 people, did not have a working fridge for almost a year. The vaccine cold chain hurdle is just the latest disparity of the pandemic weighted against the poor, who more often live and work in crowded conditions that allow the virus to spread, have little access to medical oxygen vital to COVID-19 treatment, and whose health systems lack labs, supplies or technicians to carry out large-scale testing. (Photo by Sam Mednick/AP Photo)
A Look at Life in Africa, Part 2/2
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