Humans and Animals

Twenty month-old Sumatran Tiger Pemanah is seen during a health check at Taronga Zoo on November 18, 2020 in Sydney, Australia. Pemanah, whose name means Archer in Indonesian, is a 20-month-old Sumatran Tiger. Health checks are conducted by Taronga Wildlife Hospital staff once a year to allow zoo veterinarians the chance to assess the health of the animals by checking overall body condition. In order for the check to take place, Pemanah's regular keepers trained him to come to a station and voluntarily accept an injection through mesh to administer the initial anesthetic. Once vets asses that the animal is safely under anesthetic, he is temporarily restrained using a net before being transferred to a table for the health check. An ankle restraint is also used on the tiger as an additional safety measure.As part of the procedure, Pemanah was given a hormone implant to help manage breeding as well as having his teeth, eyes and ears checked, blood tests taken in addition to an overall examination. After the procedure, Pemanah was transferred to a heated hay pile to recover before being given a reversal injection to bring him out from under anesthetic. Taronga Zoo was allocated $37.5million as part of Tuesday night's 2020-21 NSW state budget to build new, state-of-the-art wildlife hospitals in Sydney and Dubbo. The remaining $35.9 million to complete the project will be sought from philanthropic and private donors. (Photo by Jenny Evans/Getty Images)
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