Greater Sage-Grouse

The Greater Sage-Grouse is certainly a formidable-looking bird. Being the largest grouse in North America and having tail feathers, which look like giant spikes, make for a ferocious sight. These birds are well known for their complicated courtship rituals, in which the males perform a special “strutting display” to attract the females. Another distinct feature of the Greater Sage-Grouse is two large yellow throat sacs (gular sacs), which are inflated by the males during the courtship display. Unlike pelicans, whose gular sacs are used to store fish while hunting, the throat sacks of the Greater Sage-Grouse are merely for display.
21 Nov 2014 12:25:00
TomTato Plant Grows Both Tomatoes And Potatoes

Nowadays, crossbreeding and gene splicing are creating things that would never have occurred in nature. Thanks to gene splicing, modern man can witness mice that glow in the dark, goats that produce milk which is then used to make bulletproof vests, and even cows that produce milk that is almost identical to human breast milk. One of the latest feats of human genius is the creation of Thompson and Morgan. By combining the genes of tomatoes and potatoes they were able to create a “TomTato”, which is essentially a plant that grows tomatoes and potatoes at the same time. With creations such as this, the world’s hunger problem may be resolved in a few decades.
12 Dec 2014 12:43:00
Eyes As Big As Plates – Norway And Finland

Eyes as Big as Plates is a whimsical series by Finnish photographer Riitta Ikonen and Norwegian photographer Karoline Hjorth that features senior citizens donning organic materials like twigs and grass. Ikonen says that the collaborative project originally began as "a play on characters and protagonists from Norwegian folklore" but has since evolved into a collection of images exploring "mental landscapes" that reflect a return of body to nature with the use of scavenged materials.
08 Apr 2013 09:53:00
Goldwell Open Air Museum: Last Supper

Just outside of a Nevada ghost town, Rhyolite, is the Goldwell Open Air Museum. The museum was created by a group of Belgian artists and consists of seven outdoor sculptures dramatically using the Mojae Desert as a backdrop. The Last Supper, created by the late artist Charles Szukalski, is a piece that was due to last only a couple of years but withstood time and nature since 1984. Men from the local community were covered in linen and plaster to create the eerie forms, reminiscent of Da Vinci's last supper. It is a truly unique environment and piece of art in the great American desert.
03 Feb 2013 13:13:00
Unusual Birdhouses Part 2

Using a birdhouse is an excellent way to attract birds to your backyard! This you find the perfect decorative birdhouse for your yard

See also:

Part3 Part4
25 Apr 2013 11:25:00
 Landscapes Carved Out of Books by Guy Laramee

“So I carve landscapes out of books and I paint Romantic landscapes”, says interdisciplinary artist Guy Laramee who, in the course of his 30 years of practice, found his way through such varied and numerous disciplines as : stage writing, stage directing, contemporary music writing, musical instrument design and building, singing, video, scenography, sculpture, installation, painting and literature. Laramee uses books that are slowly falling apart, such as old encyclopedias and dictionaries to create dramatic landscapes.
05 Jan 2013 18:13:00
Parallel Worlds By Karezoid Michal Karcz

Karezoid Michal Karcz is a photographer from Warsaw, Poland. He first started with painting, which helped him to develop a vision that was hard to create with other visual techniques. Then in early 90s discovered photography. His early fascinations of painting and photography have been combined into one piece, with the use of digital tools. Digital photography gave him the opportunity to generate unique realities that were impossible to be created with an ordinary dark room techniques.
20 Jul 2013 18:06:00
Life Is Adventure by Marek Farkas

This series cannot get any cuter! Entitled Life is Adventure, the images portray little kittens and puppies playfully placed within elaborate scenes. To create each setting, the creative team first sketched out ideas and then used everyday household items like books, pillows, and a broom, to bring the imaginative moments to life. In the compositions, kittens ride camels, puppies sail off to sea, upside-down hangars look like seagulls, and a ring of yellow rubber gloves form a sun shining overhead.
29 Aug 2013 09:00:00