Funny Cartoons By Lucas Levitan Part 2

Being able to look at this world in a different light is the main thing that distinguishes a true artist from a common person. We can clearly see that Lucas Levitan is a true artist despite the crude drawings that he makes. By hunting through thousands of photos that people post on Instagram, he finds the ones that might have a completely different, surprising, and comical theme. For example, a sensual photo of lady’s eyelashes is transformed into a scene in which a farmer is harvesting his crops. This is imagination at its finest, which is why the art works of Lucas Levitan are so interesting to look at. (Photo by Lucas Levitan)
04 Jan 2015 12:39:00
Funny Selfies By Helene Meldahl

The time of selfies with duck faces is long gone and ridiculed, though some persist in doing it. Helene Meldahl, however, didn’t want to give up the trend, but had to think of a creative way to keep doing it. So she decided to create comical pictures by drawing over the selfies that she has made. Some people just can’t stop taking pictures of themselves. It makes you wonder, what they would do in an era before the existence of cameras… Oh, poor souls, they would definitely suffer greatly without the possibility of sharing on instagram their “stunning looks” and the pictures of food that they eat every 2 seconds. (Photo by Helene Meldahl)
07 Nov 2014 12:31:00
Animalistic Tendencies By Zarnala

Zarnala is a female illustrator with a knack for anthropomorphic illustration, combining human and animal elements to create something altogether new. Unlike other forms of anthropomorphic art one can find out there though, her work always retains a tasteful, professional edge similar to the feel I get from comics like Juanjo Garnido's take on Blacksad. With an awesome watercolor themed approach to all her illustration work and her use of graphic shapes to frame her characters, at times it gives her art a strangely retro look that reminds one of the works of Norman Rockwell and JC Leyendecker. Check out more of her work after the break!
11 Dec 2013 11:08:00
Using his friend’s cat as a muse and supplying several variations of catnip – an herb that can causes cats to enter a state of bliss for up to two hours – the neuroscience graduate captured some laugh-out-loud results. (Photo by Andrew Marttila/Caters News Agency)

Full-time feline photographer Andrew Marttila from Washington, D.C., captured blissful expressions of various cats on catnip, which he used to compile a book, “Cats on Catnip”. The photographer dedicated his time to capturing the euphoric expressions of kitties high on catnip – and the results are absolutely hilarious. (Photo by Andrew Marttila/Caters News Agency)
04 Jul 2018 00:03:00
BooBoo The Guinea Pig

Meet Booboo, the 2-year-old guinea pig. Her hobbies included eating chicory and posing for pictures. Described optimistically as ‘spirited’ by owner Megan, she can generally be found knocking about with her guinea pig crew, Titi and Teddy. But don’t worry, these gangsta guineas are lovers not fighters (didn’t the chicory give you a clue?). In fact, they’re pretty cerebral, often to be found quietly reading a book, or staring contemplatively into the distance next to a sprig of lavender, that kind of thing.
23 Jun 2014 09:08:00
Meet the World's Most Flexible Woman Julia Gunthel Aka Zlata

Julia Gunthel aka Zlata is just a lovely person who lives and operates in Germany. She is just 27 year-old and is considered to be the absolute most flexible/ bendiest person in the world. Remarkably she is also included in the Guinness Book of Records for a bit. Julia can very quickly hide in a package of 50x50 cm. She currently broke many earth files simply because of her unbelievable flexibility.
30 Dec 2013 08:38:00
Animals Yawning

In animals, yawning can serve as a warning signal. For example, Charles Darwin, in his book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, mentioned that baboons yawn to threaten their enemies, possibly by displaying large canine teeth. Similarly, Siamese fighting fish yawn only when they see a conspecific (same species) or their own mirror-image, and their yawn often accompanies aggressive attack. Guinea pigs also yawn in a display of dominance or anger, displaying their impressive incisor teeth. This is often accompanied by teeth chattering, purring and scent marking.

11 Aug 2012 09:12:00
The 3D illustrations By Joao Carvalho

The illustrations created by Joao Carvalho are not just simple 3D drawings. By making it look as if various characters were drawn on regular note book paper, Joao fools our minds into thinking that the flat objects we see on the picture are actually 3-dimentional. To create these pieces of art, Joao first draws the lines of the “notebook” paper already bent, as if they stretch over the object that is about to be drawn. Then he applies shading and his masterpiece is all done! By looking at his pictures it is almost impossible to view them not as simple 2D drawings, but as real 3D objects. (Photo by Joao Desenhos)
16 Nov 2014 12:08:00