Laurent Chéhère by Flying Houses

One of the most creative photoseries I’ve seen so far is definitely this one from the French photographer Laurent Chéhère and his Flying Houses. The serie has a sur-real but still very realistic out-come, with ofcourse, some help of our great friend Photoshop.
14 Jan 2013 14:42:00
Minimiam By Akiko Ida & Pierre Javelle Part 1

Minimiam is a project of the Japanese photographer Akiko Ida and French photographer Pierre Javelle. They met studying photography at the Paris “Arts Décoratifs” art school. The project has been ongoing since 2002 and was inspired by the married couple’s profession as commercial food photographers.
09 Jun 2014 19:18:00
Light Calligraphy By Julien Breton

French artist Julien Breton aka Kaalam started calligraphy in 2001 by copying Arabic calligraphers. Self-taught, he began to incorporate long exposure photography to create incredible light paintings around the world. All of the images in this gallery were created in-camera, meaning there is no Photoshop trickery or post-production manipulation involved in creating these works of art.
28 Jul 2014 06:24:00
Myth Art By Yoann Lossel

Working in graphite, gold leaf and mixed media assemblage, Yoann Lossel creates fantastic myth based worlds and scenarios. They have a beautiful graceful ambiance, full of spiritual timelessness and ancient rituals. He is a French painter and designer currently living in the Forest of Broceliande in Brittany, a landscape steeped in Celtic and Arthurian myth. Reflecting this environment – Yoann’s works take the viewer through mythic and imaginary lands, imbued with ancient tales and iconic mysteries.
20 Dec 2013 11:54:00
Japanese Boy and His Bulldog

The cutest Instagram ever! Tokyo-based mother Aya Sakai is taking pictures everyday of her son Tasuku and his best friend, a French Bulldog ‘Muu’ and post it on Instagram and her Facebook page. Whether the two are watching tv on their ‘favorite’ cushion or cuddling on the couch or sleeping together, the two just can’t seem to get enough of each other. Probably the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time…
29 Aug 2013 10:24:00
Game Of Thrones 90′s  By Mike Wrobel’s

The series, imagined by French artist Mike Wroebel, depicts Arya Stark, Jon Snow and crew as modern hipsters, donning 20th century ensembles that reflect each of the character's feisty personalities. Our personal favorite? Daenerys Targaryen as a doting ferret owner.
02 Oct 2013 12:51:00
Clouded Skies By Seb Janiak

The French graphic designer and photographer uses a method he calls “digital matte painting”, layering several photos on top of each other to create an incandescent composition that seems eerily familiar yet ultimately impossible. Filled with tumbling clouds and glowing focal points, the images possess a depth that stretches the two-dimensional canvases backward as violent skies seem to undulate before the viewers' eyes.
08 Jul 2014 11:45:00
Insectes photography by Laurent Seroussi

Laurent Seroussi is a tremendously talented French photographer who have worked with most of Frensch superstars as well as made a lot of advertising campaigns. Laurent Seroussi’s multifaceted imagery brings together his background in both graphic design and moving imagery. His immediate work stretches the imagination with playful visual tricks and postproduction wizardry.
11 Aug 2012 08:42:00