Inside the Legal American Brothels

Scarlet Angel, 2nd from right, and Air Force Amber, right (their prostitute names), take a lunch break on November 18, 2010 in the kitchen of the Love Ranch, a brothel located on the outskirts of Carson City, the state capital of Nevada, where prostitution is legal. Angel used to be a stay at home mom in Florida. “I had the American Dream”, she says, “A house, two kids, a husband with a good job”. After her husband lost his job and their house was repossessed, Angel moved to Nevada with her two kids to work as a prostitute. “It's the only way I can provide for my children”. Amber served in Iraq in the U.S. Army before working for Apple and Disney in San Francisco. After losing her jobs, she resorted to prostitution to help her grandmother. She works and lives in her room at the Love Ranch during the week. (Photo by Gilles Mingasson/Getty Images)
Inside the Legal American Brothels
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