The Day in Photos – October 25, 2018

This combination of pictures created on October 21, 2018 shows (L to R top) Arlette Ortiz, Jessica Esquivias, Alejandria Copado and Jossy Javier and (L to R bottom) Victoria Garcia, Donovan Sanchez, Jimmy Roman and Monica Molina disguised as “Catrina” (Mexican representation of death) before the March of Catrinas in Mexico City on October 21, 2018. Mexicans get ready to celebrate the Day of the Dead highlighting the character of La Catrina which was created by cartoonist Jose Guadalupe Posada, famous for his drawings of typical local, folkloric scenes, socio-political criticism and for his illustrations of “skeletons” or skulls, including La Catrina. (Photo by Omar Torres/AFP Photo)
The Day in Photos – October 25, 2018
  Military Woman Gallery

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