Heaven's Gate at Tianmen Mountain

Tianmen Mountain is a mountain located within Tianmen Mountain National Park, Zhangjiajie, in northwestern Hunan Province, China.
06 Aug 2015 13:20:00
Fort Bourtange In Netherlands

Fort Bourtange is a star fort located in the village of Bourtange, Groningen, Netherlands. It was built in 1593 under the orders of William the Silent. Its original purpose was to control the only road between Germany and the city of Groningen, which was controlled by the Spaniards during the time of the Eighty Years' War.
18 Jun 2014 10:41:00
The White Egret Flower - Habenaria Radiata

The close-up of the Pecteilis radiata is very reminiscent of a beautiful white bird soaring in the skies. This is probably the reason why people have started calling this flower the White Egret Flower. Truly, the resemblance of this flower to an egret flying through heavens is staggering. It is too bad that these flowers are so small. Otherwise, they would make for a stunning bouquet. However, who wouldn’t want to receive such a precious flower as a gift; a flower which can be used as a symbol for beauty, good intentions, and the purity of soul. (Photo by AngiBudd)
08 Aug 2015 11:55:00
 Kyaiktiyo Pagoda AKA  Golden Rock In Burma

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, also known as Golden Rock is a well-known Buddhist pilgrimage site in Mon State, Burma. It is a small pagoda (7.3 metres (24 ft)) built on the top of a granite boulder covered with gold leaves pasted on by devotees. According to legend, the Golden Rock itself is precariously perched on a strand of the Buddha's hair. The balancing rock seems to defy gravity, as it perpetually appears to be on the verge of rolling down the hill. The rock and the pagoda are at the top of Mt. Kyaiktiyo. It is the third most important Buddhist pilgrimage site in Burma after the Shwedagon Pagoda and the Mahamuni Pagoda. A glimpse of the "gravity defying" Golden Rock is believed to be enough of an inspiration for any person to turn to Buddhism.
04 Jun 2015 11:42:00
The Maldives Islands

Male is the capital and most populous city in the Republic of Maldives. The city is geographically located at the southern edge of North Malé Atoll (Kaafu Atoll). Administratively, it is a city-class constituency and is governed by the Malé City Council. Traditionally it was the King's Island, from where the ancient Maldive Royal dynasties ruled and where the palace was located. The city was then called “Mahal”. Formerly it was a walled city surrounded by fortifications and gates (doroshi).
30 Dec 2014 11:23:00
Dongchuan Red Lands, China

Dongchuan is a rural place located in the area of Wumeng Mountains. This place became one of the most favored destination spots for Chinese photographers all because of its red soil. The Wumeng’s scenery was first discovered in mid-90s. The first photographers who came here shot some award-winning photos, which made them keep the location of this place a secret. With time, however, more people found out about this place, making them want to visit these arid mountains. The contrasting red soil, yellow buckwheat, and brilliant blue skies make this place a paradise for photographers.
29 Jan 2015 10:59:00
The Amazing Rock City In Spain

Ronda is a small Spanish town that it well known by many people around the world. It became a popular tourist destination due to its peculiar location. Some of its buildings are standing right next to the large cliff drop, making for a very scary sight, especially if you were to look down through one of their windows unaware of what kind of sight awaits you. If you ever find yourself looking for this ancient town, you can travel to it from Costa del Sol or Malaga. In the past, this town played a major strategic role due to its high elevation, which made defending it from invaders a lot easier.
03 Mar 2015 11:40:00
Chasing Ice in Greenland

The Greenland ice sheet is a vast body of ice covering 660,235 sq miles, roughly 80% of the surface of Greenland. It is the second largest ice body in the world, after the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Some scientists predict that climate change may be near a "tipping point" where the entire ice sheet will melt in about 2000 years. If the entire 2,850,000 cubic kilometres (683,751 cu mi) of ice were to melt, it would lead to a global sea level rise of 7.2 m (23.6 ft).
30 Apr 2014 13:15:00