Captivating Human Body Paintings By Chadwick And Spector

New York City artists, Chadwick Gray and Laura Spector, currently residing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They have been creating work together since they met in 1994. Their artwork has crossed over disciplines of photography, performance art, painting, video and even theater.
04 Apr 2013 09:39:00
Innovative Photo Fusion By Ysabel LeMay’s

You might think Ysabel LeMay’s works are hyper-realistic paintings but they’re created through an innovative technique called photo fusion. The Quebec-born, U.S.-based artist takes hundreds of photographs for each piece, attunes the light and visual properties, then assembles one detail at a time in a painterly fashion to form a single composition. Each work takes 4 to 8 weeks on average.
30 May 2013 10:47:00
Cardstacker: Bryan Berg

Bryan Berg was introduced to card-stacking by his grandfather at the age of 8. He is a self-taught artist in all of the techniques he uses today. Berg's freestanding card structures are based on a grid-like arrangement, which Berg tested in a structural engineering lab to support 660 lbs per square foot―using no tape, no glue, no folding, and no tricks.
05 Jun 2013 11:52:00
Dark Places By Aaron Groen

Looking at the photos taken by Aaron Groenom, very easy to get lost in this starry wonderland. A series of photos Dark Places - a collection of works in which the artist from South Dakota contrasts the beauty of the universe to various natural or man-made forms on Earth. Using long exposures, it captures the magical landscape filled with fabulous atmosphere, striking color palettes and far-distant galaxies.
06 Jul 2013 17:56:00
Steampunk Sculptures By Pierre Matter

French sculptor Pierre Matter was born in 1964. “A mystical child, then a tormented teenager, he studied mathematics half-heartedly. It was only logical that he headed naturally, though initially in an erratic manner, for the mysterious universe of artistic creation. His slow progression in this field led him to try out many kinds of expression and material, from oil to gouache to ink, from comic strips to canvas, and also bas-relief in stone.”
14 Aug 2013 15:28:00
Fish Head Arts By Anne-Catherine Becker-Ech­ivard Part2

The 37-year-old French artist Anne-Catherine Becker Echivard’s latest artworks were inspired by the silent movies of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton; she uses real-life smelly fish heads as her models for some photos that depict everyday life to address topics.
16 Aug 2013 14:38:00
Rotterdam 2002

“The artist herself produces the camouflage suit. For each photo, for each environment of her choice, she designs a new suit, which again and again has to be made with the greatest precision, or the illusive effect will not work. By uniting the figure with the background, Desiree Palmen reaches a surprising visual effect that requests a special effort for the observing eye: it must disentangle what is flat and what is spatial.”
24 Jun 2012 02:54:00
LEGO Street Art

German graffiti artist, Martin Heuwold aka MEGX, has painted a bridge with an area of 250 square meters to look like it was made from LEGO bricks.

This realistic 3-dimensional LEGO bridge took Heuwold four weeks to complete, with the help of city officials.
06 May 2015 08:08:00