
A young arab boy, armed with a rifle and a knife, in the Aden Protectorate near Yemen. (Photo by Richards/Fox Photos/Getty Images). February 1938
01 Apr 2011 14:39:00

A little girl hangs three Siamese kittens on a washing line in a garden in Croydon, London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). 14th July 1931
28 Jun 2011 11:31:00

A young exhibitor arrives with her kitten on a lead at the National Cat Club show at Crystal Palace, London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). 2nd December 1931
28 Jul 2011 12:02:00

The Dynasphere, an electrically-driven wheel, invented by Mr. J. A. Purves of Taunton and his son. It had 2.5 horse power and once attained a speed of 25 mph. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). 1932
07 Sep 2011 12:54:00

A model of a prehistoric icthyosaurus is dragged from its pond in the grounds of Crystal Palace, London, for its annual clean. The 'keeper' is being helped by some of the local police force. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). February 1927
17 Mar 2011 13:10:00

Some of London's telephone operators and engineers, trying out their gas masks at the anti-gas civilian training centre in Gloucester, where they were taught how to deal with gas attacks. (Photo by Harry Todd/Fox Photos/Getty Images). 13th February 1937
24 Apr 2011 12:20:00

Fascist youth, both boys and girls, in the rebel uniforms in Irun after the city had been captured by the rebels. (Photo by Maeers/Fox Photos/Getty Images). 13th November 1936
17 May 2011 08:04:00

A group of Japanese schoolgirls marching in formation during a school visit to the third regiment to experience the soldier's way of life. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). Circa 1938
01 Jun 2011 09:18:00