Brick Sculptures By Brad Spencer

Brad Says “Brick sculpture can be dated back to ancient Babylon but remains a fresh and interesting enhancement to any building, wall or environment. The brick medium has all the same characteristics of durability and low maintenance as a brick building, blends well in settings where other brick construction is present, looks good with landscaping and has a familiarity which is comforting to people. Brick sculpture adds intrigue and interest to a commonly understood material as viewers try to figure out the techniques by which it was created.”
20 Feb 2014 13:32:00
Photographer Nick Meek For Sony Bravia

“Sony Bravia has been a bench mark in quality advertising for years now and I’m very happy to have been chosen by McCann Worldwide to shoot this campaign for them.
We flew to a volcano in Costa Rica where it took the inhabitants of an entire village a full week to pluck all the flower petals…. enough to fill two huge lorries!
With the help of a special effects team, the petals were blown and exploded through our landscapes creating hugely detailed vista which echoes the extreme detail of Sony’s new 4k tv.”
22 Apr 2014 12:09:00
A Kazakh hunter has taken an eaglet from the nest, given it pride of place in their home and trained it. All hunters describe the eagle as part of their family. (Photo by Palani Mohan)

Kazakh nomads have been grazing their livestock in Mongolia for hundreds of years. Fascinated by the bond between hunter and eagle, photographer Palani Mohan has spent the last few years documenting the burkitshi. Mohan's photos of the landscape, isolation of the hunt, and most of all the trusting relationship between man and bird, convey the importance that the eagle plays in their lives. (Photo by Palani Mohan)
11 Jan 2016 08:03:00
“The ripening crops eloquently signify that the scarecrow’s work is done. Few remain to see their task fulfilled because if they become entangled in the harvesting machinery it causes serious damage”. (Photo by Colin Garratt)

When Colin Garratt went to photograph the traditional sentinels of the British countryside, he found they ranged from the dapper to the downright sinister. “They are not from the anaesthetised world of the craft fair”, says Colin Garratt, “but are the direct descendants of the ancient spectres which have haunted the landscape for centuries”. The Scarecrow Exhibition is at Geddes Gallery, London, from 25 to 30 March. (Photo by Colin Garratt)
29 Mar 2016 11:46:00
“Salami Tuscany”. (Photo by Carl Warner)

At first glance, you may think you’re just gazing upon serene sunsets, breathtaking landscapes and peaceful coves of distant lands. It’s not until you realise the settings are made entirely from food that you can feast your eyes over the magnificence of Carl Warner’s “foodscapes”. Photo: “Salami Tuscany”. (Photo by Carl Warner)
04 Mar 2013 13:11:00
Dark Places By Aaron Groen

Looking at the photos taken by Aaron Groenom, very easy to get lost in this starry wonderland. A series of photos Dark Places - a collection of works in which the artist from South Dakota contrasts the beauty of the universe to various natural or man-made forms on Earth. Using long exposures, it captures the magical landscape filled with fabulous atmosphere, striking color palettes and far-distant galaxies.
06 Jul 2013 17:56:00
The Land Of Giants By Choi + Shine Architects

Power to the people! Giant transmission tower people that is… We can all agree that transmission towers (that’s an electricity pylon or ironman for you European and Aussie folk) are very necessary yet completely unsightly. These suspension towers dot our landscapes, typically soaring 15-55 meters (49 – 180 ft) high.
07 Jun 2015 09:27:00
The Bottled Smoke Artworks By Jim Dingilian

Jim Dingilian’s incredible bottle art is much more complex than the traditional building of ships inside of bottles. The detailed scenes trapped inside recycled glass bottles are made with just candle smoke. The artist burns the inside, then carefully etches away the residue, revealing imagery of trees, cars, and industrial landscapes within the confines of each bottle.
27 Jan 2014 12:39:00