A vender arranges goods for sale at a market on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Wednesday, January 10, 2024. (Photo by Natacha Pisarenko/AP Photo)
A Christian devotee participates in a re-enactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday in Chennai on April 7, 2023. (Photo by R.Satish Babu/AFP Photo)
A person dressed in a chicken costume walks through Westminster on Good Friday in London, United Kingdom on April 2, 2021. (Photo by Hannah McKay/Reuters)
Once upon a time a girl named Laura lived in Columbus, Ohio. She had a nice family, and got good grades, but it was always rainy and cold in Columbus, which was neither nice nor good, so she wore lots of sweaters and turned the heat up when her dad wasn’t looking.
A Cambodian man rides his motor-cart loaded with goods along a street on the outskirts Phnom Penh, Cambodia on October 30, 2017. (Photo by Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP Photo)