Invisible Empire

This visually striking photo series by Juna Helminen captures an unsettling portrait that really doesn't fail to creep the living hell out of me. But I digress, I think its absolutely beautiful work by the Helsinki based artist who goes by the name of Immanuel on Deviantart. There are some really subtle undertones in this series, including fanaticism and loss of individuality. The lighting in these photographs, as well as the compositions are pretty damn amazing as well...If you like the surreal movies of Tarsem or played any of the Silent Hill games..Or are just looking to be creeped out, you'll love the rest of the images from this series after the break.
15 Jun 2012 16:51:00
Competitors take part in the Christmas Really Wild Mud Run on a 4.6 miles course across undulating farm land at Celtic Camping, St David's, Pembrokeshire, Wales, December 12, 2015. (Photo by Rebecca Naden/Reuters)

Competitors take part in the Christmas Really Wild Mud Run on a 4.6 miles course across undulating farm land at Celtic Camping, St David's, Pembrokeshire, Wales, December 12, 2015. (Photo by Rebecca Naden/Reuters)
14 Dec 2015 08:03:00
Joel said documenting the Kazakh nomad summer migration was really an epic journey – a time travel journey – and at the same time was possible to get an understanding of how the balance of nature is still possible in Altai Mountains, Mongolia, June 2015. (Photo by Joel Santos/Barcroft Images)

Joel said documenting the Kazakh nomad summer migration was really an epic journey – a time travel journey – and at the same time was possible to get an understanding of how the balance of nature is still possible in Altai Mountains, Mongolia, June 2015. (Photo by Joel Santos/Barcroft Images)
30 Nov 2016 13:23:00
Zed Nelson by The Family

Zed Nelson has photographed the same family, once a year on the same day, for 20 years. I take hundreds of photo’s of my extended family all year round, some just languish on my computer screen unseen by anyone, some get printed, some framed. What is really interesting about this project is not only the obvious time scale but his “ analytical approach“. The same plain background is used for each session and he chooses only 1 frame to represent that years image. My many photographs are a mishmash of family events, his create a family history unfolding . Perhaps less really is more.
22 Jun 2015 10:27:00
The Amazing Makeup By Lucia Pittalis

You have no idea of the power of a skillful makeup artist. By working his magic, he can transform a woman into a respectable gentleman, a young lady into a heartless drug dealer, or simply show how a person would look like after a few decades have passed. Some can even transform a not-so-handsome young man into a beautiful young girl, which can spell a lot of trouble if you see him/her at a night club. Lucia Pittalis is one of those masters of makeup, and she uses her skills to stun the audience by transforming herself and a few volunteers into famous movie characters, actors, and musicians. (Photo by Lucia Pittalis)
03 Dec 2014 14:02:00
Digital Paintings By Alexander Rommel

Alexander Rommel, aka evergreenarts, is a really talented German Illustrator. His works are very colorful and the lighting is incredible. He mainly focus on the sky, the sun, the water, the wind and the feeling of freedom. His illustrations seem to come directly from dreams.
17 Jul 2014 10:31:00
Initially the project started when I was working in Atlanta. About four years ago, a roommate of mine had a Yorkie and we thought it would be funny to take some photos of this really cute dog with a few handguns. Once my friends saw the photos they started asking me to take pictures of their dogs with other firearms. (Photo and caption by Ben Haulenbeek/Puppies with guns calendar 2015)

Initially the project started when I was working in Atlanta. About four years ago, a roommate of mine had a Yorkie and we thought it would be funny to take some photos of this really cute dog with a few handguns. Once my friends saw the photos they started asking me to take pictures of their dogs with other firearms... (Photo and caption by Ben Haulenbeek/Puppies with guns calendar 2015)
14 Dec 2014 11:59:00
Misty Traffic Lights In Germany Photographed By Lucas Zimmermann

I’m really enjoying this series of photos by photographer Lucas Zimmermann captured on a foggy night near Weimar, Germany. You can see more from the series over on Behance.
31 Dec 2013 11:39:00