The Grevy’s Illusion by Yaron Schmid, USA: a Grevy’s zebra staring at the camera in Lewa, Kenya. Third place – wildlife. (Photo by Yaron Schmid/The Nature Conservancy Global Photo Contest 2019)
Visitors browse in the starry Art Museum. Shanghai, China, May 13, 2020. The exhibition hall uses a large number of mirror devices, combined with the layout of acousto-optic, to create a visual scene and spatial effect. (Photo by Costfoto/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)
Aeolus is a giant stringed musical instrument, an acoustic and optical pavilion designed to make audible the silent shifting patterns of the wind and to visually amplify the ever changing sky.
Italian illusionist Arturo Brachetti perfoms in the mirrored mazes of Camera Obscura on August 06, 2024 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His show SOLO which is running at Pleasance’s EICC sees over fifty characters come to life through illusions, transformations and some magic tricks. (Photo by Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images)
Mural of wartime leader Sir Winston Churchill wearing stockings and suspenders and giving the “V” sign by illusive local artist who goes by the name Horace, on the side of the Sandpiper guest house in Brighton on November 22, 2020. (Photo by Gareth Fuller/PA Images via Getty Images)
“Sleeveface is an internet phenomenon wherein one or more persons obscure or augment body parts with record sleeve(s), causing an illusion. Sleeveface has become popular on social networking sites”. – Wikipedia
Photo: “Doggy Style” (Photo by Samuel and Marco van Bergen via
Professional Swedish photographer Erik Johansson ,currently lives and work in Berlin, creates unusual and interesting pictures, a genre which is difficult to define. Some of them are more like the work of the surrealists, some show the illusion of visual perception, and others – just funny. The author himself said that he does not captured the reality but captured your ideas on the reality.
A skill like woodworking takes years and thousands of hours to become more than just a proficient at, but this man invested that time to be a certifiable master. His name is Randall Rosenthal and he has talent that can result in mind-bending illusions. The project in the gallery below all started with three pieces of white pine he glued together. What he turned that block of wood into is so cool.