
A Papuanese tribal man poses for a photograph during the Baliem Valley Festival on August 9, 2010 in Wamena, Indonesia. The Dani, Yali and Lani tribes gather at this annual festival each dressed in distinctive tribal attire, stage mock battles, perform traditional music and dance, and celebrate with a pig feast. (Photo by Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images)
01 May 2011 10:10:00

“Haile Selassie I (23 July 1892 – 27 August 1975), born Tafari Makonnen, was Ethiopia's regent from 1916 to 1930 and Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. The heir to a dynasty that traced its origins to the 13th century, and from there by tradition back to King Solomon and Queen Makeda, Empress of Axum, known in the Abrahamic tradition as the Queen of Sheba. Haile Selassie is a defining figure in both Ethiopian and African history.

Haile Selassie is revered as the returned Messiah of the Bible, God incarnate, among the Rastafari movement, the number of followers of which is estimated between 200,000 and 800,000. Begun in Jamaica in the 1930s, the Rastafari movement perceives Haile Selassie as a messianic figure who will lead a future golden age of eternal peace, righteousness, and prosperity. He himself remained an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian throughout his life”. – Wikipedia

Photo: Negusa Negasti, Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I, known as “Lord of Lords”, “The Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah”, “Light of the world”, “Elect of God”, in full ceremonial regalia following his coronation. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
21 Jun 2011 11:04:00

English comic actor and director Charlie Chaplin (Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, 1889–1977) seated on straw bales during the filming of “The Circus” with his leading lady Merna Kennedy (1908–1944). (Photo by Margaret Chute/Getty Images). 1928
16 Apr 2011 09:08:00
1941: An Iranian soldier guards two German tourists near the Iranian-Turkish border during World War II. Since the British occupation of Iran, all Axis nationals are being expelled from the country

An Iranian soldier guards two German tourists near the Iranian-Turkish border during World War II. Since the British occupation of Iran, all Axis nationals are being expelled from the country. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images). Circa 1941
01 Dec 2011 12:18:00
Arnold Schwarzenegger "I`ll be back"

“This brought me back. While I was doing my photo shoot this week for Muscle & Fitness, I could practically hear Joe Weider screaming, “Come on Arnold! What’s wrong with you? Pull in the stomach.” Watch for the issue in September!”

Schwarzenegger posted the following to Facebook a few hours ago:
19 Sep 2013 10:44:00

Two women lighting cigarettes on a tennis court in Essex, England circa 1930's. (Photo by Keystone View/FPG/Getty Images)
15 Apr 2011 08:54:00
Mug shot of De Gracy (sic) and Edward Dalton. Details unknown. Central Police Station, Sydney, around 1920

Mug shot of De Gracy (sic) and Edward Dalton. Details unknown. Central Police Station, Sydney, around 1920. (Photo by NSW Police Forensic Photography Archive, Justice & Police Museum, Histiric Houses Trust of NSW)
21 Apr 2012 12:24:00
Marilyn Monroe, 'Jumpology', 1959. Photo by Philippe Halsman

“Philippe Halsman (2 May 1906 Riga, Russian Empire – 25 June 1979 New York City) was a Latvian-born American portrait photographer. Many celebrities photographed by Halsman include Alfred Hitchcock, Judy Garland, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Dandridge, and Pablo Picasso. Many of those photographs appeared on the cover of Life. In such photos, he utilizes a variety of his rules of photography. For example, in one of his photos of Winston Churchill, the omission of his face makes Halsman's photo even more powerful at making Churchill more human”. – Wikipedia

Photo: Marilyn Monroe, “Jumpology”, 1959. Photo by Philippe Halsman
12 Apr 2012 13:18:00