Wild Musk Oxen in Arctic Prairie in Russia

Vitaly Gorshkov, a wildlife photographer, captured these animals in their natural habitat. He says that these animals are so hairy that it is difficult to distinguish the front from the back. The oxen aren’t really afraid of humans that is why it is easy to approach them and take pictures.
25 Apr 2014 12:10:00
Water Droplets By Kara-a Part 1

18 year old German photographer Kara (Kara-a) has a passion for macro photography and especially capturing drops of water reflecting various images beyond. Simple beauty of little droplets combined with Kara’s creativity brought up some really entertaining photographs.
02 Jul 2014 12:11:00
Travis Louie and The Strange Portraits

Travis Louie’s paintings are inspired by 19th-century portrait photographs. Instead of people, however, his subjects are goofy-looking monsters. His work is beyond mere art for children, however. There is a refined eeriness to his pieces that give them depth and an elusive quality that really makes them stand out.
30 Nov 2012 10:47:00
Members of the Pussyfooters dance at the Krewe of Cleopatra Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, Friday, February 2, 2018. Mardi Gras season is kicking into high gear with a slew of major parades throughout New Orleans. Although Carnival season officially began Jan. 6, the festivities really kick into high gear the two weekends ahead of Fat Tuesday. This year Fat Tuesday is Feb. 13. (Photo by Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)

Members of the Pussyfooters dance at the Krewe of Cleopatra Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, Friday, February 2, 2018. Mardi Gras season is kicking into high gear with a slew of major parades throughout New Orleans. Although Carnival season officially began Jan. 6, the festivities really kick into high gear the two weekends ahead of Fat Tuesday. This year Fat Tuesday is Feb. 13. (Photo by Gerald Herbert/AP Photo)
17 Feb 2018 00:01:00

In his newest series of photos called Low Tech, Kevin Twomey artfully captures the complexity of old-style typewriters and similar machines. Despite being completely outdated, you cannot help being amazed at how complicated those “simple” devises really are. Hundreds of little parts were meticulously put together to form a machine that would perform such “basic” functions by today’s standards. Similarly, very few modern people actually think about how complicated the current technology really is. We take for granted streaming videos, GPS, and countless devises that we use every day, while in reality, these things would seem like magic to even the most prominent scientists from only half a century ago. (Photo by Kevin Twomey)
21 Nov 2014 12:42:00
Grows Crystals On Books By Alexis Arnold

People will spout about impermanence of digital records, but books are really fragile, too. Alexis Arnold from San Francisco wanted to illustrate that with her project The Crystallized Book: collecting books and growing Borax crystals on them. Books range from literature classics to magazines, and there’s even a mysterious and arcane tome called “Linux: The Complete Manual”.
12 Jun 2015 10:55:00
“When I am there, it reminds me of when I was a child”. (Photo by Vladimir Ryabkov/Caters News Agency)

These stunning photographs really do show a land of fire and ice! The frozen landscape of the Olkhon Islands, Russia, appears to be ablaze in some of these pictures as the icy sheets of the glaciers reflect the early morning suns rays. (Photo by Vladimir Ryabkov/Caters News Agency)
14 Apr 2018 00:03:00
Art by Dan Lester

UK-based digital artist Dan Lester combines photography and illustration into clever and intriguing images that really make you question what you're looking at. Is it a photograph or a drawing? In actuality, it's both. The digital illustrator manages to bewilder his audience by merging the roles of model and artist into one entity in an innovative fashion. (Photo by Dan Lester)

19 Jun 2015 11:07:00