
50 year-old Italian artist Riccardo Boscolo says about himself that for the last 17 years his passion has been graphics, he likes to draw picturesque caricatures of famous people, mostly actors and politicians, that look like Hollywood actors, showing them from the sides you probably didn’t know.

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26 Nov 2016 10:15:00
Waterdrop Sculptures by Josh Fancher

“I'm Josh Fancher, a 21 year old with an avid interest in photography, including macro, nature and wildlife, night photography, landscapes, cityscapes and architectural photography. Inspired by the beautiful and amazing water drop photography of Martin Waugh, I started doing water drop collisions in December of 2007. I use a 105mm Micro Nikkor lens for water drops, along with a pair of Nikon SB 600 flashes. I recently got a StopShot system (Nov 2009), which makes timing a lot easier. Before then, timing was manual, with an eye dropper, eye-hand coordination, and a lot of patience” – Josh Fancher. (Photo by Josh Fancher)
19 Aug 2012 10:30:00
In this March 21, 2015 photo, 15-year-old Guerline Augustin carries river water on her head, back to a borderland encampment outside the southeast Haitian town of Anse-a-Pitres, Haiti. (Photo by David McFadden/AP Photo)

In this March 21, 2015 photo, 15-year-old Guerline Augustin carries river water on her head, back to a borderland encampment outside the southeast Haitian town of Anse-a-Pitres, Haiti. The encampment is filled with people who either fled or were forcibly removed from the neighboring Dominican Republic amid an immigration crackdown. Within the next month, authorities hope to move nearly 2,400 people out of six encampments by providing subsidies for them to rent homes for a year in southeastern Haiti. The International Organization for Migration is coordinating the effort with $2 million from a U.N. emergency fund. (Photo by David McFadden/AP Photo)
31 Mar 2016 11:20:00
Der Jen (Dezhen; 德珍繪館) – The beauty of Brocade

“Der Jen (Dezhen; 德珍繪館) has achieved fame in her homeland and that fame is now spreading to other parts of the world as more and more people become familiar with her beautiful paintings. This Taiwanese artist depicts these beautiful ladies in classic, traditional dress that would have been worn by members of the royal court or an empress herself. Traditional hair styles and jewelry depicted in her pieces are also considered authentic. Der Jens art can be found in Chinese advertising, childrens magazines, romance novels, tarot cards, and even on public transit tickets. Its also making its way to our pcs as desktop wallpaper”.

Photo: Der Jen (Dezhen; 德珍繪館) – “The beauty of Brocade” (please click to enlarge).
17 Oct 2012 12:03:00
A dog with a half tiger and half elephant design at a creative grooming competition in Hershey, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Ren Netherland/Barcroft Media)

Anamal photographer Ren Netherland travels thousands of miles across America to creative dog grooming competitions every year. He captures the dogs with their striking designs – which include characters from Disney, Star Wars and Sesame Street.

Photo: A dog with a half tiger and half elephant design at a creative grooming competition in Hershey, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Ren Netherland/Barcroft Media). P.S. To see the first part, use please the “Creative dog grooming” tag.
23 Jun 2013 07:16:00

ATTENTION PLEASE! This publication is NOT about cute animals! This is a compilation of photographs of DIFFERENT content! Some photos may SHOCK YOU.

Photo: An eleven-week-old lion cub growls as she plays with a stuffed toy at the San Francisco Zoo April 25, 2003 in San Francisco, California. The cub's mother, Kita, died two days after giving birth to her and her brother. Zookeepers have hand fed and cared for the two surviving cubs around the clock since their mother died. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
15 May 2011 10:37:00
Untitled. (Photo by Artem Nadyozhin)

Untitled. (Photo by Artem Nadyozhin)

P.S. Need more? Please use tag Simply Some Photos!

P.S.S. All pictures are presented in high resolution. To see Hi-Res images – just TWICE click on any picture. In other words, click small picture – opens the BIG picture. Click BIG picture – opens VERY BIG picture (if available; this principle works anywhere on the site AvaxNews).
17 Nov 2013 15:03:00
A firefighter breaks down after the World Trade Center buildings collapsed September 11, 2001

“The September 11 attacks (called September 11, September 11th or 9/11), were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks against targets in New York City and the Washington, D.C. area on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 terrorists from the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally crashed two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. Hijackers crashed a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. When passengers attempted to take control of the fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, it crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, preventing it from reaching its intended target in Washington, D.C. Nearly 3,000 died in the attacks”. – Wikipedia

Photo: A firefighter breaks down after the World Trade Center buildings collapsed September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the twin towers in a terrorist attack. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
10 Sep 2011 12:33:00