Indian police women take part in a full dress rehearsal for the Republic Day parade in Srinagar January 24, 2015. India will celebrate its annual Republic Day on Monday. (Photo by Danish Ismail/Reuters)

Indian police women take part in a full dress rehearsal for the Republic Day parade in Srinagar January 24, 2015. India will celebrate its annual Republic Day on Monday. (Photo by Danish Ismail/Reuters)
24 Jan 2015 14:24:00
An Indian Army soldier marches next to a tableau during the Republic Day parade in New Delhi, India, January 26, 2016. (Photo by Adnan Abidi/Reuters)

An Indian Army soldier marches next to a tableau during the Republic Day parade in New Delhi, India, January 26, 2016. India celebrated its Republic Day Tuesday, highlighted by a march by different branches of the military as well as a display of arms and missiles. (Photo by Adnan Abidi/Reuters)
27 Jan 2016 13:36:00
Border Security Force (BSF) “Daredevils” women motorcycle riders perform during a rehearsal for the Republic Day parade on a cold winter morning in New Delhi, January 10, 2018. (Photo by Adnan Abidi/Reuters)

Border Security Force (BSF) “Daredevils” women motorcycle riders perform during a rehearsal for the Republic Day parade on a cold winter morning in New Delhi, January 10, 2018. (Photo by Adnan Abidi/Reuters)
12 Jan 2018 06:37:00
A child falls sleep while people take part in the 35th India Day Parade in New York August 16, 2015. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)

A child falls sleep while people take part in the 35th India Day Parade in New York August 16, 2015. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)
17 Aug 2015 11:13:00
Assam's Veerangana commandos take part in a rehearsal for India's Republic Day parade at Khanapara in Guwahati, India January 23, 2017. India celebrates its annual Republic Day on January 26. (Photo by Anuwar Hazarika/Reuters)

Assam's Veerangana commandos take part in a rehearsal for India's Republic Day parade at Khanapara in Guwahati, India January 23, 2017. India celebrates its annual Republic Day on January 26. (Photo by Anuwar Hazarika/Reuters)
24 Jan 2017 11:37:00
Cadets from the National Cadet Corps (NCC) celebrate after being awarded the first position in the best marching trophy competition during the Republic Day celebrations in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh January 26, 2015. (Photo by Ajay Verma/Reuters)

Cadets from the National Cadet Corps (NCC) celebrate after being awarded the first position in the best marching trophy competition during the Republic Day celebrations in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh January 26, 2015. (Photo by Ajay Verma/Reuters)
27 Jan 2015 12:23:00
Indian soldiers practice their stunts on Royal Enfield motorcycles in preparation for the upcoming Republic Day parade

Indian soldiers practice their stunts on Royal Enfield motorcycles in preparation for the upcoming Republic Day parade on January 11, 2012 in New Delhi, India. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images)
15 Jan 2012 11:20:00

Decorated veterans take part in the Veterans Day parade in honor of the victory over the Nazi Germany, on May 11, 2011 in Jerusalem, Israel. Hundreds of Jewish World War II veterans from the Allied armies, mostly the former Soviet Union, and Israelis took part in the parade. (Photo by Avi Ohayon/GPO via Getty Images)
11 May 2011 12:16:00