A diver wearing a Santa Claus costume feeds a sunfish to attract visitors at the Hakkeijima Sea Paradise aquarium in Yokohama, suburban Tokyo on December 17, 2014. Christmas attractions will be held till Christmas Day. (Photo by Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP Photo)

A diver wearing a Santa Claus costume feeds a sunfish to attract visitors at the Hakkeijima Sea Paradise aquarium in Yokohama, suburban Tokyo on December 17, 2014. Christmas attractions will be held till Christmas Day. (Photo by Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP Photo)
21 Dec 2014 11:36:00
The spectacular sequence shows the divers reaching out and even petting the 500kg predators. (Photo by Steve Hinczynski/Mediadrumworld)

The spectacular sequence shows the divers reaching out and even petting the 1,000-pound predators as the inquisitive beasts happily pose for the camera. Other pictures show the sharks appearing to swim with the divers as they move towards the water’s surface. The photographs were taken at Tiger Beach, Grand Bahama by photographer, Steve Hinczynski (49) from Venice, Florida, USA. To take his images Steve used a Canon 7D Mark II camera equipped with Ikelite underwater housing. (Photo by Steve Hinczynski/Mediadrumworld)
09 Mar 2017 00:01:00
Split-view of a killer whale at sunrise off the coast of Northern Norway. At least half of the world’s killer whale populations are doomed to extinction due to pollution of the oceans, a new study says. (Photo by Audun Rikardsen/Science)

Split-view of a killer whale at sunrise off the coast of Northern Norway. At least half of the world’s killer whale populations are doomed to extinction due to pollution of the oceans, a new study says. (Photo by Audun Rikardsen/Science)
16 Dec 2018 00:03:00
Underwater with Photographer Caelum Mero

Underwater with Photographer Caelum Mero. (Photo by Caelum Mero)
13 May 2015 07:39:00
Jonny Simpson-Lee captures the moment these adorable pooches dove head first into a pool. A Golden Labrador jumps for a tennis ball baring his teeth. (Photo by Jonny Simpson-Lee/Caters News Agency)

Jonny Simpson-Lee captures the moment these adorable pooches dove head first into a pool. Here: A Golden Labrador jumps for a tennis ball baring his teeth. (Photo by Jonny Simpson-Lee/Caters News Agency)
08 Mar 2018 00:05:00
“The banker”. Underwater Sculpture, Museo Subacuático de Arte, Cancun. (Photo by Jason deCaires Taylor/UnderwaterSculpture)

“The banker”. Underwater Sculpture, Museo Subacuático de Arte, Cancun. (Photo by Jason deCaires Taylor/UnderwaterSculpture)
28 Mar 2014 11:28:00
The Underwater Paintings By Samantha French

The artist Samantha French reveals the magnificent series of paintings: portraits of men and women under water. Very realistic creations expressing the world under water. Every detail is present, sunlight on water, air bubbles in the water, the color tone underwater, aquatic atmosphere. Absolutely amazing to discover in the rest of the article works.
25 Apr 2014 11:41:00
“In this startling image model Hannah Fraser appears to be “dancing” with the giant whale ”. (Photo by Shawn Heinrichs/Barcroft Media)

“Emmy” award-winning cinematographer, Shawn Heinrichs teamed up with model and diver Hannah Fraser to carry out a unique underwater conservation fashion shoot in a remote location in the South Pacific Ocean. The pair are aiming to raise awareness for the plight of the marine mammals at the hands of whalers. During the ten day shoot Fraser swam and glided with pilot and humpback whales. Photo: “In this startling image model Hannah Fraser appears to be “dancing” with the giant whale ”. (Photo by Shawn Heinrichs/Barcroft Media)
12 Jun 2015 09:05:00