Saciido Sheik Yacquub, 34, poses for a picture with her daughter Faadumo Subeer Mohamed, 13, at their home in Hodan district IDP camp in Mogadishu February 11, 2014. Saciido, who runs a small business, wanted to be a business woman when she was a child. She studied until she was 20. She hopes that Faadumo will become a doctor. Faadumo will finish school in 2017 and hopes to be a doctor when she grows up. (Photo by Feisal Omar/Reuters)

“On March 8th activists celebrate International Women’s Day, which dates back to the early 20th century and has been observed by the United Nations since 1975. In the run-up to the event, Reuters photographers in countries around the globe took a series of portraits of women and their daughters. They asked each mother what her profession was, at what age she had finished education, and what she wanted her daughter to become when she grew up. They also asked each daughter at what age she would finish education and what she wanted to do in the future. The series of images offers an insight into the lives of women and girls around the world”. – Reuters. (Photo by Feisal Omar/Reuters)
09 Mar 2014 04:33:00
Palestinian boy Mohamad al-Sheikh, 12, who is nicknamed “Spiderman” and hopes to break the Guinness world records with his bizarre feats of contortion, demonstrates acrobatics skills on a beach in Gaza City June 2, 2016. (Photo by Mohammed Salem/Reuters)

Palestinian boy Mohamad al-Sheikh, 12, who is nicknamed “Spiderman” and hopes to break the Guinness world records with his bizarre feats of contortion, demonstrates acrobatics skills on a beach in Gaza City June 2, 2016. (Photo by Mohammed Salem/Reuters)
03 Jun 2016 12:52:00
Ariana Grande performs at Z100's Jingle Ball in Manhattan, New York, U.S., December 9, 2016. (Photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters)

Ariana Grande performs at Z100's Jingle Ball in Manhattan, New York, U.S., December 9, 2016. (Photo by Andrew Kelly/Reuters)
11 Dec 2016 13:11:00
Hoghton Towers 1940

Living History comes to Hoghton Tower with the sights and sounds of the 1940's.
28 May 2012 01:40:00
Actress Hiba Abouk s*xy

Actress Hiba Abouk attends Hugo Boss night party 2011 on December 13, 2011 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)
15 Dec 2011 13:51:00
Soul sisters. (Noell S. Oszvald)

“Soul sisters”, 2012. (Photo by Noell S. Oszvald)

21 Nov 2012 11:46:00
Marcello Di Francesco took third place in the Macro category for this picture of an Emperor shrimp (Periclimenes imperator), taken in the waters near Indonesia's Ambon Island

More than 700 underwater images were submitted for the 2012 Annual Underwater Photography Contest, hosted by the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science. This year, for the first time, the University of Miami set up a “Fan Favorite” category for its underwater photo competition. Internet users could vote for their favorite among five pictures. Todd Aki's photo of a jellyfish took the prize, snaring 599 of the 1,221 votes cast. (Photo by Todd Aki)
22 Apr 2012 12:47:00
Charlotte fights a monster with a “wand” in her bedroom in Laure Fauvel's “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. An imaginative photographer has brought to life monsters that haunt children's nightmares. Armed with sticks, wands and swords the eight and nine year-olds appear to be getting the upper-hand against the villains. Parisian photographer Laure Fauvel, 22, said: I wanted the children not be victims and to fight the monsters. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)

Charlotte fights a monster with a “wand” in her bedroom in Laure Fauvel's “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. An imaginative photographer has brought to life monsters that haunt children's nightmares. Armed with sticks, wands and swords the eight and nine year-olds appear to be getting the upper-hand against the villains. Parisian photographer Laure Fauvel, 22, said: I wanted the children not be victims and to fight the monsters. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)
25 Jul 2014 11:53:00