1930 KJ Henderson Streamline. Collection of Frank Westfall. (Photo by Peter Harholdt)

1930 KJ Henderson Streamline. Collection of Frank Westfall. (Photo by Peter Harholdt)
16 Jun 2013 06:40:00
Friendly Monster By Chris Ryniak

Hey Everybody! My name is Chris Ryniak (RYE-KNEE-ACK), and I make monsters. I split my time between sculpting and painting for gallery work, designing toys and being a Dad, but the thing I do the most is DRAW MONSTERS, like every day.
06 Dec 2015 08:23:00
Leg Drawings By Jody Steel

During dull lectures 19-year-old Jody Steel, from Boston, America, likes to draw on her thigh. Using pen she creates stunning temporary masterpieces – and now her doodles have given her internet fame and job offers from around the world. Even her lecturer is a fan – instead of punishing Jody when she was spotted doodling on her leg in class, the lecturer commissioned her to illustrate a book she was editing.
24 Sep 2013 13:35:00
Vanessa: Hunts Point, Bronx

Vanessa: Hunts Point, Bronx

Vanessa, thirty-five, had three children with an abusive husband. She “lost her mind, started doing heroin”, after losing the children, who were taken away and given to her mother. The drugs led to homelessness and prostitution. She grew up on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, but now spends her time in Hunts Point, “trying to survive everyday. Just doing whatever it takes”.
13 May 2012 10:13:00
Chris Keegan By Cosmic Creatures

Looking up at the sky and forming images from the stars has been going on for just about as long as human life has existed, but that was only what could be seen from the Earth. Digital illustrator Chris Keegan has taken constellations to a whole new level with the use of images from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.
10 Jun 2015 09:50:00
Stainless Steel Sculptures By Kevin Stone

Chilliwack, British Columbia-based Kevin Stone specializes in creating gargantuan, one-of-a-kind stainless steel sculptures. His towering bald eagle, called "Power and Authority," stands an astounding 20 ft high and has a massive 31 ft wingspan. He also completed an 85 feet long mirror polished stainless steel sculpture, the "Imperial Water Dragon." For almost two years, working seven days a week, he designed and created this 6000 lb, 12 ft high, 14 ft wide and 35 ft long dragon with two massive coils. It was made for River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond to celebrate the Year of the Dragon.
20 Mar 2014 14:34:00
Cardboard Sculptures By Chris Gilmour

Chris Gilmour is one of those people that can turn unexpected things, which most of us would simply discard as trash, into astounding works of art. By taking simple cardboard packaging and other recycled items, he was able to create intricate replicates of various large items, paying close attention to even the smallest details. His cardboard sculptures include everything from vehicles (motorbikes, cars, bicycles) to religious symbols. Some people may find it sacrilege to create religious icons out of trash, which includes toothpaste, condoms, etc.; however, art should not be bound by prejudice and bigotry of close-minded individuals. (Photo by Chris Gilmour)
27 Jan 2015 11:59:00

In this publication you can see some best pictures of photographer Chris Hondros, who was killed on April 20, 2011 by a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) in Misrata, Libya.

Photo: “Getty Images” photographer Chris Hondros (1970–2011) walks the ruins of a building August 21, 2006 in southern Beirut, Lebanon. (Photo by Getty Images)
23 Apr 2011 11:13:00