A hand of a labourer pushes bricks at a traditional brick factory in Arab Mesad district of Helwan, northeast of Cairo, May 14, 2015. (Photo by Amr Abdallah Dalsh/Reuters)

A hand of a labourer pushes bricks at a traditional brick factory in Arab Mesad district of Helwan, northeast of Cairo, May 14, 2015. About 45 labourers are employed at the brick factory and most work 10 hours a day. Adult workers earn a daily wage of 70 Egyptian pounds ($9) and child workers earn 40 Egyptian pounds ($5). The labourers, who are usually temporary or seasonally employed in Egypt's brick-making industry, experience unsafe work conditions, according to local media. (Photo by Amr Abdallah Dalsh/Reuters)
19 May 2015 11:37:00
A worker settles mud in a mold to make bricks at a brick factory in Tixtla, on the outskirts of Chilpancingo, in the Guerrero state, January 26, 2015. The worker earns a salary of 15 Mexican pesos, or one dollar, for every 100 bricks made on a working day of at least 5 hours. (Photo by Jorge Dan Lopez/Reuters)

A worker settles mud in a mold to make bricks at a brick factory in Tixtla, on the outskirts of Chilpancingo, in the Guerrero state, January 26, 2015. The worker earns a salary of 15 Mexican pesos, or one dollar, for every 100 bricks made on a working day of at least 5 hours. (Photo by Jorge Dan Lopez/Reuters)
28 Jan 2015 11:33:00
In this Wednesday, May 13, 2015 photo, a Nepalese laborer carries a load of bricks at a brick factory in Bhaktapur, Nepal. (Photo by Bernat Amangue/AP Photo)

In this Wednesday, May 13, 2015 photo, a Nepalese laborer carries a load of bricks at a brick factory in Bhaktapur, Nepal. Almost 745,600 buildings and homes have been damaged or destroyed, including at least 87,700 in the capital, according to Nepal's emergency authority. Engineers say only 40 percent of Kathmandu's damaged buildings as habitable. (Photo by Bernat Amangue/AP Photo)
17 May 2015 11:13:00
A boy sleeps in a hammock while his mother works at a brick kiln on the outskirts of Yangon February 1, 2015. (Photo by Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters)

A boy sleeps in a hammock while his mother works at a brick kiln on the outskirts of Yangon February 1, 2015. (Photo by Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters)
02 Feb 2015 09:58:00
An Iraqi girl walks past a donkey-drawn cart carrying bricks at a brick factory near the central Iraqi shrine city of Najaf on May 16, 2017. (Photo by Haidar Hamdani/AFP Photo)

An Iraqi girl walks past a donkey-drawn cart carrying bricks at a brick factory near the central Iraqi shrine city of Najaf on May 16, 2017. (Photo by Haidar Hamdani/AFP Photo)
17 May 2017 08:20:00
A Burmese monk feeds the seagulls at a Yangon river jetty

A Burmese monk feeds the seagulls at a Yangon river jetty February 8, 2012 in Yangon, Myanmar. (Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)
09 Feb 2012 11:57:00
Atomic Overlook by Clay Lipsky

Clay Lipsky has created a great series called Atomic Overlook. The project takes terribly boring scenic shots and combines them with some exciting nuclear testing. “Tourists will line up for anything and I always found humor in vacation destinations that are nothing but a bunch of people looking into a great abyss”, he says. “I understand the allure of a beautiful landscape, but as the world’s population grows so do the lines to view the “nothingness”. Atomic Overlook flips the script on that and gives new purpose to those suntanned masses”. (Photo by Clay Lipsky)
29 Sep 2012 08:27:00
Brick Sculptures By Brad Spencer

Brad Says “Brick sculpture can be dated back to ancient Babylon but remains a fresh and interesting enhancement to any building, wall or environment. The brick medium has all the same characteristics of durability and low maintenance as a brick building, blends well in settings where other brick construction is present, looks good with landscaping and has a familiarity which is comforting to people. Brick sculpture adds intrigue and interest to a commonly understood material as viewers try to figure out the techniques by which it was created.”
20 Feb 2014 13:32:00