
Some of London's telephone operators and engineers, trying out their gas masks at the anti-gas civilian training centre in Gloucester, where they were taught how to deal with gas attacks. (Photo by Harry Todd/Fox Photos/Getty Images). 13th February 1937
24 Apr 2011 12:20:00

Three workers demonstrating the different types of gas masks used in mine rescue work. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images). December 1925
20 Apr 2011 09:17:00

A fireman from the London Fire Brigade, wearing a smoke helmet. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1908
22 Jul 2013 20:25:00
“É proibido proibir”. (Photo by Thais Nuzzi)

“É proibido proibir”. (Photo by Thais Nuzzi)
07 Jun 2015 11:50:00
American soldiers leaping from an armoured personnel carrier during exercises in Korea, 17th March 1954.  (Photo by Three Lions)

American soldiers leaping from an armoured personnel carrier during exercises in Korea, 17th March 1954. (Photo by Three Lions)
03 Aug 2012 06:42:00

Soldiers of the 70th division of the American 7th Army hold up a Nazi flag and a portrait of Adolf Hitler, taken during the World War II capture of Saarbrucken. (Photo by Horace Abrahams/Keystone/Getty Images). 22nd March 1945
08 May 2011 08:03:00
“Can't wait”. Location: Inao Station (JR Oito-Line). (AZURE)

“Can't wait”. Location: Inao Station (JR Oito-Line), Nagano Prefecture, Japan. (Photo by AZURE)
25 Mar 2013 12:20:00
Mail truck tries to climb tree. Comm. Ave. Boston, 1927. (Photo by Leslie Jones)

Mail truck tries to climb tree. Comm. Ave. Boston, 1927. (Photo by Leslie Jones) P.S. All pictures are presented in high resolution. To see Hi-Res images – just TWICE click on any picture. In other words, click small picture – opens the BIG picture. Click BIG picture – opens VERY BIG picture (if available; this principle works anywhere on the site AvaxNews)
26 Apr 2013 08:24:00