A humanoid robot named “Robi” sits during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. Created by roboticist Tomotaka Takahashi, the 34-centimeter tall humanoid robot can recognize and respond to more than 200 words and phrases, walk and dance. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)

A humanoid robot named “Robi” sits during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. Created by roboticist Tomotaka Takahashi, the 34-centimeter tall humanoid robot can recognize and respond to more than 200 words and phrases, walk and dance. Parts of the robot will be put on sale in a weekly magazine to be fully assembled with 70 issues. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” perform a synchronized dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. The 34cm-tall (13.4-inch) robot, designed by Tomotaka Takahashi, chief executive officer of Robo Garage Co and project associate professor of Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo, is able to speak, walk and dance. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” perform a synchronized dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. The 34cm-tall (13.4-inch) robot, designed by Tomotaka Takahashi, chief executive officer of Robo Garage Co and project associate professor of Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo, is able to speak, walk and dance. The weekly magazine comes with parts of the robot, which allows buyers to have a fully assembled Robi after 70 issues. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” sit before a dance performance dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” sit before a dance performance dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” perform a synchronized dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” perform a synchronized dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” call their numbers before a dance performance dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” call their numbers before a dance performance dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” sit before a dance performance dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

A hundred humanoid communication robots called “Robi” sit before a dance performance dance during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

Designer Tomotaka Takahashi speaks to his humanoid communication robots called “Robi” during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

Designer Tomotaka Takahashi speaks to his humanoid communication robots called “Robi” during a promotional event called 100 Robi, for the Weekly Robi Magazine, in Tokyo January 20, 2015. (Photo by Yuya Shino/Reuters)

Humanoid robot “Robi”, a self-build robot with parts provided by weekly magazine of Italian publisher Deagostini, dance during an event in Tokyo on January 20, 2015. One hundred robots performed at the event to commemorate the release of the new series of the magazine. (Photo by Toru Yamanaka/AFP Photo)

Humanoid robot “Robi”, a self-build robot with parts provided by weekly magazine of Italian publisher Deagostini, dance during an event in Tokyo on January 20, 2015. One hundred robots performed at the event to commemorate the release of the new series of the magazine. (Photo by Toru Yamanaka/AFP Photo)

A humanoid robot named “Robi” tumbles after performing a dance during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)

A humanoid robot named “Robi” tumbles after performing a dance during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)

A hundred humanoid robots named “Robi” perform a dance during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)

A hundred humanoid robots named “Robi” perform a dance during a promotional event for the launch of a weekly Robi Magazine in Tokyo, Japan, 20 January 2015. (Photo by Franck Robichon/EPA)

Humanoid robot “Robi”, a self-build robot with parts provided by weekly magazine of Italian publisher Deagostini, dance during an event in Tokyo on January 20, 2015. (Photo by Toru Yamanaka/AFP Photo)

Humanoid robot “Robi”, a self-build robot with parts provided by weekly magazine of Italian publisher Deagostini, dance during an event in Tokyo on January 20, 2015. (Photo by Toru Yamanaka/AFP Photo)
21 Jan 2015 13:19:00