Photographing Polar Bears By Paul Souders

American nature and wildlife photographer Paul Souders is very well-travelled around the globe. In one of his exploits, we have his series of images shot in the ice capped shores of Churchill, Canada. Souders took his Zodiac boat to Hudson Bay in midsummer and waited there for three days before he finally saw a bear, a young female while on sea ice around 30 miles offshore.
29 Aug 2014 13:52:00
Surreal Paintings By Jacek Yerka

Jacek Yerka is an amazing painter from Poland. His subject matter ranges from odd beasts to whimsical landscapes incorporating extraordinary architecture, and includes imagery gleaned from his childhood. I handpicked a few of his pieces so we can take a close look at his world of painting.
08 Nov 2013 11:42:00
Crocheted Food Art by Kate Jenkins

Artist Kate Jenkins makes elaborate crocheted food art in her studio in Brighton. Much of her art depicts the local fare – fish and chips, bangers and mash, and so on – but a recent series, “Kate’s Diner”, focused on classic American food. We previously posted about Jenkins’ crocheted anatomical hearts.
12 Apr 2017 12:15:00
Idiots - iPhone Parody

Barcelona-based visual effects/3D animation company Big Lazy Robot brings us a beautiful animated video that uses an alternate robotic world to satirize our dependence on technology.

11 Sep 2014 13:19:00
Dogs Wearing Pantyhose, A Popular New Meme in China

People seem to have a love-hate relationship with dogs dressed up like humans, but that hasn't stopped the Internet from churning out more ridiculous memes. The latest installment: Dogs wearing pantyhose (OK, we're classing it up a bit, Dis Magazine called it "b*tches wearing pantyhose") is a trend picking up in China, according to Sharp Daily, a Hong Kong news site.
02 May 2013 11:49:00
The Secret Of Levitation Street Yogis

Yogis and street performers have been simulating levitation with nifty contraptions forever. They appear to be held aloft via nothing but their preternatural mental prowess. But are really enjoying the benefits of basic physics just like the rest of us when we use a chair. However, just because it’s perfectly explainable doesn’t mean it isn’t nifty. I’m especially impressed by this 2-person version and am still trying to work out how exactly the chair they’re using is shaped at the base.

28 Mar 2014 12:43:00
Disney Apocalypse By Kasami-Sensei

DeviantART user Kasami-Sensei has re-envisioned the sweet and innocent protagonists of several Disney films in the style of zombie hunters (and a zombie) from AMC's “The Walking Dead”. We knew that these Disney princesses and princes were cool and tough, but now they really kick-butt. Check out several of Kasami-Sensei's illustrations below and head over to his DeviantART page for even more. Some of these illustrations are even accompanied by fan-fiction stories on Kasami-Sensei's page.
29 Mar 2014 10:23:00
Mud Makes Man By Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi

31-year-old Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi has created an incredibly interesting photographic series about the struggle of an artist. First, though, you may be asking yourself these questions: Exactly, what are we looking at? How did the photographer achieve this strange, sculpture-like illusion?

Gasteazi asked his friend Julián to cover himself with a mixture of blue paint and mud. He then photographed Julián at various stages. Later, in Photoshop, Gasteazi cut around his subject's body to make him appear like a floating sculpture.
06 Jun 2015 09:18:00