The Simpsons LEGO set that we previewed earlier here. In celebration of the animated sitcom series’ 25th anniversary, LEGO has paired up with Matt Groening‘s cartoon creation for a two-part collaboration that features arguably two of the largest entities in popular culture.
Burning Man 2013. The federal government issued a permit for 68,000 people from all over the world to gather at the sold out festival, which is celebrating its 27th year, to spend a week in the remote desert cut off from much of the outside world to experience art, music and the unique community that develops. (Photo by Neil Girling)
“Bodies in urban spaces” is a temporarily intervention in diversified urban architectonical environment. The intention of “bodies in urban spaces” is to point out the urban functional structure and to uncover the restricted movement possibilities and behavior as well as rules and limitations. Photo: “Bodies in Urban Spaces”, September 26, 2010. (Photos by Andrew Russeth)
Artist Chris Parks has created works for clients, such as Hasbro, Iron Fist, Nike, PBR, Vans, Etnies, Globe, Red Bull, The Cartoon Network and many others. The cool thing is that many of Parks’ works can be purchased as individual prints, skateboard decks, and clothing apparel at his website.
“The 8th annual Water War on Friday in the center of Tel-Aviv, Israel turned into a battlefield, quite literally. As two thousand people were having fun in the square, some water-fighters took to more radical behavior, targeting passing cars, motorcycles and public buses”. – (Photo by Sergey Demyanchuk)