Art "Grow" by Andreas Prei

Andreas Preis is a Berlin-based German artist who studied communications design in Nuremberg.
Following an advertising internship with Springer & Jacoby he turned his attention toward freelance design and illustration. Andreas’ style mixes digital and traditional art, combining hand-drawings, cross-hatching, and color with digital media. In his latest project entitled Grow, Andreas Preis creates an incredible series of animal crests using his unique style to create these wonderful works of art.
18 Aug 2013 12:05:00
Funny Selfies By Helene Meldahl

The time of selfies with duck faces is long gone and ridiculed, though some persist in doing it. Helene Meldahl, however, didn’t want to give up the trend, but had to think of a creative way to keep doing it. So she decided to create comical pictures by drawing over the selfies that she has made. Some people just can’t stop taking pictures of themselves. It makes you wonder, what they would do in an era before the existence of cameras… Oh, poor souls, they would definitely suffer greatly without the possibility of sharing on instagram their “stunning looks” and the pictures of food that they eat every 2 seconds. (Photo by Helene Meldahl)
07 Nov 2014 12:31:00
Flowers Of War By Mister Blick

It would have been so much better if the pictures created by Mister Blick were real. How wonderful it would be if these men were actually holding flowers, and none of these wars happened. Regretfully, all these wars have left their mark on the history of mankind. Wars are always bad. They bring nothing but destruction and terror to the regular people, while the big players make huge profits off of the suffering of the common folk. However, establishing dominance is an integral part of the human nature, and the desire to wage wars is simply an extension of this trait. Strong countries always suppress the weaker ones to gain even more power. Unfortunately, this is as inevitable as the sunrise or sunset. (Photo by Mister Blick)
23 Nov 2014 11:58:00
Elizabethan Superheroes And Star Wars Characters By Sacha Goldberger Part 2

Could you ever have guessed that so many superheroes would meet together in one photoshoot? This scenario becomes possible thanks to the project of Sasha Goldberger. He was able to accomplish this by transporting modern superheroes into Elizabethan era. Some of the superheroes, such as the Cat Woman and Wonder Woman, look very natural in their new old-fashioned outfits. On the other hand, Ironman and Hulk look very peculiar in their newly acquired outfits. However, such innovative approach is very popular nowadays. People are fed up with dull and uninteresting ideas, which make them grab onto anything peculiar such as this project. (Photo by Sacha Goldberger)
18 Dec 2014 14:24:00
The Tutu Project By Bob Carey

“About nine years ago Photographer Bob Carey and his wife, Linda moved to America's East Coast. Even though the move was exciting, exhilarating, and inspiring, it was a big and dramatic change. The self portraits were a perfect way of expressing himself. He posed in different surroundings wearing a pink tutu. The result is a wonderful, inspiring and poetic series of self portraits: The Tutu Project” – Michael Werner. (Photo by Bob Carey via TheTutuProject.com)
29 Apr 2012 12:01:00
 Marble Caves, Patagonia, Chile

The Marble Caves of Patagonia, Chile, are beautiful vibrant blue caverns, partially submerged in the equally stunning turquoise waters of Carrera Lake. The lake itself is on the border of Argentina and Chile, with the caves located on the Chilean side. The caves are comprised of three main caverns: the Chapel (La Capilla), the Cathedral (El Catedral), and the Cave (La Cueva). Visitors to the caves can explore them in a small boat or kayak, but only when Carrera Lake’s waters are calm and gentle. A rare and invaluable natural wonder, the existence of these caves is currently threatened by plans to build five large dams in the area. If you visit these caves, please treat them with the utmost respect and care.
15 Aug 2012 11:25:00
Body Painter By Emma Fay

There is something frightening and at the same time appealing in the living sculptures of 27-year-old British artist Emma Fay. Body art in conjunction with the flexibility of acrobats and fantasy of the artist using water-based paints, a brush and sponge, is transformed into a beautiful work of art. It is not immediately possible to make out the human body in the picture. First you look at the landscape and suddenly begin to distinguish someone’s arm, or neck. Or you look into the eyes of an amazing bull, and it turns out that it is perfectly folded back. Lovely people, temples are and wonderful people-insects are.
10 Jan 2016 08:02:00
Harmless Weapons By Sonia Rentsch

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all weapons were created by Sonia Rentsch rather than by gunsmiths? In the series Harm Less, Sonia had constructed a number of firearms using various plants. Of course people might say that it’s not the guns that kill people; it’s the people that kill people. However, this statement is completely false. Can you imagine some equivalent of school shooting if the guns were not available? Yes, some crazy kid would still be able to bring a weapon to class, but most likely it would be a club or a penknife, making him easily tamable. (Photo by Sonia Rentsch)
26 Dec 2014 14:45:00