Bollywood actor and animal rights activist Dia Mirza interacts with school children during the launch of 'Ellie', a life-size animatronic elephant part of a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) nonprofit organization campaign, in Mumbai on May 5, 2023. (Photo by Indranil Mukherjee/AFP Photo)

Bollywood actor and animal rights activist Dia Mirza interacts with school children during the launch of 'Ellie', a life-size animatronic elephant part of a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) nonprofit organization campaign, in Mumbai on May 5, 2023. (Photo by Indranil Mukherjee/AFP Photo)
11 May 2023 04:12:00
American socialite, media personality and former model Kylie Jenner in the last decade of April 2023 was back in black for some new photos. (Photo by kyliejenner/Instagram)

American socialite, media personality and former model Kylie Jenner in the last decade of April 2023 was back in black for some new photos. (Photo by kyliejenner/Instagram)
11 May 2023 04:07:00
Wild deer rummage through garbage dumped at an open ground in Sri Lanka's district of Trincomalee on April 4, 2023. (Photo by Ishara S. Kodikara/AFP Photo)

Wild deer rummage through garbage dumped at an open ground in Sri Lanka's district of Trincomalee on April 4, 2023. (Photo by Ishara S. Kodikara/AFP Photo)
11 May 2023 04:01:00
A municipal worker cleans the monument of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin from a crane during preparations for the 153th anniversary of Lenin's birthday in St. Petersburg, Russia, 18 April 2023. The monument to Vladimir Lenin at the Moscow Square was installed in 1970. It was made according to the project of the sculptor Mikhail Anikushin and is the tallest monument to Lenin in St. Petersburg. (Photo by Anatoly Maltsev/EPA/EFE/Rex Features/Shutterstock)

A municipal worker cleans the monument of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin from a crane during preparations for the 153th anniversary of Lenin's birthday in St. Petersburg, Russia, 18 April 2023. The monument to Vladimir Lenin at the Moscow Square was installed in 1970. It was made according to the project of the sculptor Mikhail Anikushin and is the tallest monument to Lenin in St. Petersburg. (Photo by Anatoly Maltsev/EPA/EFE/Rex Features/Shutterstock)
11 May 2023 03:52:00