A cosplay enthusiast poses as Maka Albarn of the Soul Eater anime series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. Anime Friends is one of Brazil's biggest events related to anime, manga and Japanese culture. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Maka Albarn of the Soul Eater anime series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. Anime Friends is one of Brazil's biggest events related to anime, manga and Japanese culture. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Red Ranger of the Power Rangers anime series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Red Ranger of the Power Rangers anime series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Diesel Punk soldier of the Mad Max film during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Diesel Punk soldier of the Mad Max film during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Iron Man during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Iron Man during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Chibiusa of the Sailor Moon manga series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Chibiusa of the Sailor Moon manga series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

Cosplay enthusiasts pose as Rengar (L) and Caitlyn during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

Cosplay enthusiasts pose as Rengar (L) and Caitlyn during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Bruce Lee during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Bruce Lee during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

Cosplay enthusiasts pose as Satoru and Sayuri during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

Cosplay enthusiasts pose as Satoru and Sayuri during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Serasu Vikutoria of the Hellsing anime series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)

A cosplay enthusiast poses as Serasu Vikutoria of the Hellsing anime series during the “Anime Friends” annual event in Sao Paulo July 19, 2015. (Photo by Nacho Doce/Reuters)
21 Jul 2015 10:38:00