Contestants prepare to compete in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. The race is hosted by Sarenza, a French e-Commerce company specializing in the online sale of shoes and accessories, who celebrate is 10th anniversary. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants warm-up before competing in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants prepare to compete in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants start in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants prepare to start in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants run during a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants prepare to start in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants prepare to start in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants prepare to start in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants prepare to start in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Contestants start in a high heels race in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Stephane Treppoz, CEO of Sarenza, slides on a giant high heel model in Paris, France, October 15, 2015. (Photo by Charles Platiau/Reuters)
Participants of the Sarenza High Heel Race 2015 warm up prior to the race during a party of the online shoe store, in Paris, Thursday, October 15, 2015. Competitors in teams of three girls race wearing shoes with more than 8 cm-high heels. (Photo by Francois Mori/AP Photo)
19 Oct 2015 08:07:00,
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