An Indian farmer from Tamil Nadu state wearing a necklace of human skulls representing suicides by agricultural workers takes part in a protest with other farmers in New Delhi on March 15, 2017. Tamil Nadu state farmers protested to demand a profitable price for their agricultral products, and called for the formation of management committee for solving Cauvery river water disputes. More than 200 farmers have committed suicide in Tamil Nadu in recent months following crop failure due to poor rainfall and inadequate water for irrigation. (Photo by Prakash Singh/AFP Photo)
An Indian farmer from Tamil Nadu state wearing a necklace of human skulls representing suicides by agricultural workers takes part in a protest with other farmers in New Delhi on March 15, 2017. (Photo by Prakash Singh/AFP Photo)
An Indian farmer from South Indian Rivers Interlinking Farmers Association holds human skulls claiming they belong to farmers who died in the past in Tamilnadu as he stands with others during a protest and hunger strike in New Delhi, India, 15 March 2017. Hundreds of farmers are demanding the formation of Cauvery river management committee and networking all rivers by smart waterways protect. (Photo by Harish Tyagi/EPA)
An Indian farmer from South Indian Rivers Interlinking Farmers Association holds human skulls claiming they belong to farmers who died in the past in Tamilnadu during a protest and hunger strike in New Delhi, India, 15 March 2017. (Photo by Harish Tyagi/EPA)
An Indian farmer from South Indian Rivers Interlinking Farmers Association holds human skulls claiming they belong to farmers who died in the past in Tamilnadu as he stands with others during a protest and hunger strike in New Delhi, India, 15 March 2017. (Photo by Harish Tyagi/EPA)
17 Mar 2017 00:02:00,
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