Participants dressed as alien characters from the film “Mars Attacks!” launch their flying contraption during the Red Bull Flugtag event in Hong Kong on November 27, 2016. The Flugtag – which means “flying day” in German – is a competition in which teams in fancy dress attempt to pilot human-powered, home-made flying machines off a platform into water. (Photo by Tengku Bahar/AFP Photo)

Participants dressed as alien characters from the film “Mars Attacks!” launch their flying contraption during the Red Bull Flugtag event in Hong Kong on November 27, 2016. The Flugtag – which means “flying day” in German – is a competition in which teams in fancy dress attempt to pilot human-powered, home-made flying machines off a platform into water. (Photo by Tengku Bahar/AFP Photo)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

A competitor rides a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

A competitor rides a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)

Competitors ride a home-made vehicle without an engine on a downhill track in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Santiago, Chile, November 27, 2016. (Photo by Jonathan Faus/Reuters)
28 Nov 2016 12:06:00