An employee paints a ready-made Chinese traditional temple at the Chuanso factory that manufactures religious objects in Pingtung, Taiwan July 5, 2016. (Photo by Tyrone Siu/Reuters)

Some companies in Taiwan spend months building temples with bricks and cement, but Lin Fu-Chun's firm simply pours concrete into a giant mould and waits for it to dry. The 78-year-old Lin said his temple factory, Chuanso, needed just over six weeks to finish a building that normally took six months with conventional methods – and moulding was 40 percent cheaper. Here: An employee paints a ready-made Chinese traditional temple at the Chuanso factory that manufactures religious objects in Pingtung, Taiwan July 5, 2016. (Photo by Tyrone Siu/Reuters)
29 Jul 2016 12:57:00
A farmer seen harvesting his crops while Mount Sinabung spewing out volcanic ash on July 4, 2017 in North Sumatera, Indonesia. The increased volume of lava dome that reaches one million eight hundred cubic meters, said volcanologist, through radio communications, do not dampen the activities of the people around sinabung, such as farming, harvesting their crops, picking up objects that are still left behind, or just take a picture while walking around near mount Sinabung. (Photo by Sabirin Manurung/Pacific Press/Barcroft Images)

A farmer seen harvesting his crops while Mount Sinabung spewing out volcanic ash on July 4, 2017 in North Sumatera, Indonesia. The increased volume of lava dome that reaches one million eight hundred cubic meters, said volcanologist, through radio communications, do not dampen the activities of the people around sinabung, such as farming, harvesting their crops, picking up objects that are still left behind, or just take a picture while walking around near mount Sinabung. (Photo by Sabirin Manurung/Pacific Press/Barcroft Images)
06 Aug 2017 07:50:00
A retrospective spanning Enzo Mari's 60-year career. at the Science Museum in London on March 27, 2024. This large-scale exhibition includes the full spectrum of Mari's output, from his work as a designer, but also as an artist, teacher, critic and theorist. In total, more than 300 objects will be on display – most have not been seen in the UK before. (Photo by Guy Bell/Alamy Live News)

A retrospective spanning Enzo Mari's 60-year career. at the Science Museum in London on March 27, 2024. This large-scale exhibition includes the full spectrum of Mari's output, from his work as a designer, but also as an artist, teacher, critic and theorist. In total, more than 300 objects will be on display – most have not been seen in the UK before. (Photo by Guy Bell/Alamy Live News)
02 May 2024 04:25:00
If The Moon Were Replaced With Some Of Our Planets

Our moon is a pretty big object. It's big enough to be a respectable planet in its own right, if it were orbiting the sun instead of the Earth. (Actually, it is orbiting the sun in a nearly perfectly circular orbit, that the Earth only slightly perturbs... but that's a topic for another day.) The Moon is a quarter the diameter of the Earth. Only Pluto has a satellite that is larger, in proportion to the size of the planet it orbits.

29 Mar 2013 10:12:00

Special police vehicle Ural-4320-1880-30I Tornado

Interpolitex - the largest national forum of homeland security is the only national security fair of federal status and importance. It is held to provide manufacturers, suppliers and users special equipment and weaponry with an efficient tool for implementing a wide range of advertising and marketing objectives, monitoring of the market and deal-making. (Russia, Moscow, October 2011)
20 Nov 2011 09:44:00
Stone with Glass Layer By Ramon Todo

Born in Tokyo, Dusseldorf-based artist Ramon Todo creates beautiful textural juxtapositions using layers of glass in unexpected places. Starting with various stones, volcanic rock, fragments of the Berlin wall, and even books, the artist inserts perfectly cut glass fragments that seem to slice through the object resulting in segments of translucence where you would least expect it.
07 Nov 2013 09:28:00
Castles Etched on Grains of Sand

Artist Vik Muniz is known for his gigantic composite installations and sculptures created from thousands of individual objects. In this new collaboration with artist and MIT researcher Marcelo Coelho, Muniz takes the opposite approach and explores the microscopic with a new series of sandcastles etched onto individual grains of sand.
13 Apr 2014 08:55:00
Victoria Rupes: Unnatural Anomaly Discovered On Mercury

On the Internet appeared the video, on which shows, according to the author of the video, as in the photos, which were taken by U.S. space probe MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging), American automatic interplanetary station (AWS) for the study of Mercury, on the surface of Mercury has been found an unusual object... (Photo by NASA)
31 Dec 2012 12:16:00