Strange Wanderings By Andy Kehoe

Andy Kehoe recently returned to New York for his third solo show with Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Entitled Luminous Reverie, this show explores the idea of experiencing a lucid moment while drifting along in a daydream. We enjoyed the works, which continued the new direction that he premiered during a show in Los Angeles last year (covered). Again, Kehoe explores the technique of painting layers upon layers of resin and creating a natural 3-D visual element for the viewers to enjoy. This show will be up until June 15th, so stop by and check it out if you’re in NYC.
05 Feb 2014 11:28:00
International Aviation and Space Salon

MAKS – 2011 provides experts and businessmen a rare opportunity to establish contacts at various levels, further development of R&D and production cooperation and search for new business partners.
27 Aug 2011 14:09:00
Tree House

Tree houses, treehouses, or tree forts, are platforms or buildings constructed around, next to or among the trunk or branches of one or more mature trees while above ground level. Tree houses can be used for recreation, work space, habitation, observation or as temporary retreats.
08 Jun 2015 11:01:00
Close Encounter of the Insect Kind: Check out the awesome face on this praying mantis. I can't get over the mouth, it's like something from a science fiction movie. Of all photographic styles macro is definitely my favorite. I am constantly amazed, in every photo that I take, by the intricate level of detail that exists on even the smallest of creatures. It's a stark reminder that a very complex and infinitely beautiful world exists just beyond our human-sized level of perception. Photo taken in Donnybrook, Queensland, Australia. (Photo by Andrew Young/National Geographic Photo Contest

Close Encounter of the Insect Kind: “Check out the awesome face on this praying mantis. I can't get over the mouth, it's like something from a science fiction movie. Of all photographic styles macro is definitely my favorite. I am constantly amazed, in every photo that I take, by the intricate level of detail that exists on even the smallest of creatures. It's a stark reminder that a very complex and infinitely beautiful world exists just beyond our human-sized level of perception. Photo taken in Donnybrook, Queensland, Australia” – Andrew Young. (Photo by Andrew Young/National Geographic Photo Contest via The Atlantic)
24 Sep 2012 09:18:00
A Mystical Forest In Spain

Gorbea Natural Park is a protected area located between the provinces of Alava and Vizcaya in the Basque Country of northern Spain. Gorbea takes its name from its highest peak, the Gorbea (or Gorbeia) at 1,482 metres (4,862 ft) above sea level.
27 Sep 2014 09:52:00
Fruit Ninja In Real Life

While the rest of us wait for a Kinect version of Fruit Ninja, comedy troupe The Misunderstoods has taken the mobile hit to an even realer level, using actual knives to actually slash produce that's actually being hurled at them.
27 Dec 2012 15:37:00
Write A Bike By Juri Zaech

Paris-based designer Juri Zaech takes personalization trend into a whole new level by introducing his collection of typographic bikes. Unfortunately, it’s only in concept stage now, but there are rumours that Juri is already working on a real prototype of his “Write a Bike” concept.
16 Apr 2013 14:05:00

Marcus Levine, who took the skill of hammering some nails into a whole new level. With more than 50,000 nails, he could create some arts on the wall that some people can't even do with a brush and paint.
15 Jul 2012 16:45:00