In this February 19, 2017 photo, a couple dances during the “If you don't give me....then you lend me” Carnival street party on Ipanema beach, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The typical view of Carnival in Brazil is anything goes, with no headdress too big, no outfit too small, no song too ribald, but this year some organizers of the world's best known party are drawing the line at lyrics that are sexist, homophobic or racist. (Photo by Silvia Izquierdo/AP Photo)

In this February 19, 2017 photo, a couple dances during the “If you don't give me....then you lend me” Carnival street party on Ipanema beach, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The typical view of Carnival in Brazil is anything goes, with no headdress too big, no outfit too small, no song too ribald, but this year some organizers of the world's best known party are drawing the line at lyrics that are sexist, homophobic or racist. (Photo by Silvia Izquierdo/AP Photo)
24 Feb 2017 00:06:00
“s*xy China”. Jane Zhang

“s*xy China”. Simple a two of sucks (buth Cute and s*xy!) chinese pop songs (Music Video). Enjoy! (If you can...)

P.S. Hint! Use a tag "music video" – there are many interesting!
07 Jun 2012 12:09:00
A reveller dressed up as Austrian drag queen and 2014 Eurovision song contest winner Conchita Wurst takes part in New Year's celebrations in Coin, near Malaga, southern Spain, early January 1, 2015. Villagers and revellers dressed up in funny costumes to take part in the New Year's celebration. (Photo by Jon Nazca/Reuters)

A reveller dressed up as Austrian drag queen and 2014 Eurovision song contest winner Conchita Wurst takes part in New Year's celebrations in Coin, near Malaga, southern Spain, early January 1, 2015. Villagers and revellers dressed up in funny costumes to take part in the New Year's celebration. (Photo by Jon Nazca/Reuters)
02 Jan 2015 12:19:00
Ja Kang Song, 71, and Ja Hyun Su, 72, dive for shellfish and are the main breadwinners for their families. In South Korea, 45% of the diving women of Jeju are over the age of 70. Routinely diving to depths of 20m and staying under for an average of two to three minutes, the pressure on the body takes its toll and, like many others, burst eardrums have left Ja Hyun Su deaf. Each season, between seven and 10 women die diving the waters around Jeju Island. (Photo by Andy W. Langton/Age International)

Ja Kang Song, 71, and Ja Hyun Su, 72, dive for shellfish and are the main breadwinners for their families. In South Korea, 45% of the diving women of Jeju are over the age of 70. Routinely diving to depths of 20m and staying under for an average of two to three minutes, the pressure on the body takes its toll and, like many others, burst eardrums have left Ja Hyun Su deaf. Each season, between seven and 10 women die diving the waters around Jeju Island. (Photo by Andy W. Langton/Age International)
12 Sep 2016 10:35:00
Shan boys pray before they have their heads shaved in anticipation of their ordination in the Poy Song Long Ceremony at Wat Pa Pao in Chiang Mai, Thailand on April 3, 2018. Poy Sang Long (“The Festival of the Crystal Sons”) is a ceremony that marks a rite of passage among the Buddhist Shan people in Myanmar and northern Thailand. Boys between seven and fourteen years of age are ordained as Buddhist novices during a three day ceremony. Before the ceremony starts the boys have their heads shaved. (Photo by Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/Rex Features/Shutterstock)

Shan boys pray before they have their heads shaved in anticipation of their ordination in the Poy Song Long Ceremony at Wat Pa Pao in Chiang Mai, Thailand on April 3, 2018. Poy Sang Long (“The Festival of the Crystal Sons”) is a ceremony that marks a rite of passage among the Buddhist Shan people in Myanmar and northern Thailand. Boys between seven and fourteen years of age are ordained as Buddhist novices during a three day ceremony. Before the ceremony starts the boys have their heads shaved. (Photo by Jack Kurtz/ZUMA Wire/Rex Features/Shutterstock)
06 Apr 2018 07:59:00
Vogue dancer Xiong Daiki, 22, takes a video of his team to promote vogue dancing, almost a year after the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Wuhan, Hubei province, China on December 15, 2020. During lockdown, Daiki, his students and friends practiced at home in their bedrooms, staying in touch by sharing videos of new dance routines. (Photo by Aly Song/Reuters)

Vogue dancer Xiong Daiki, 22, takes a video of his team to promote vogue dancing, almost a year after the global outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Wuhan, Hubei province, China on December 15, 2020. During lockdown, Daiki, his students and friends practiced at home in their bedrooms, staying in touch by sharing videos of new dance routines. (Photo by Aly Song/Reuters)
28 Dec 2020 00:01:00

“Ой, да не вечер” – the Russian national song. It is also known under the name “Stepan Razin's Dream”. It is sung on behalf of Cossack Stepan Razin ((1630–1671) was a Cossack leader who led a major uprising against the nobility and Tsar's bureaucracy in South Russia) who tells the bad dream foretelling trouble. Sings: Pelagea Sergeevna Efimova (born 14.06.1986 in Novosibirsk, Russia).
19 Dec 2012 15:27:00
Eduard Khil

“Russian singer Eduard Khil has died at the age of 77, following a stroke. Khil is apparently well known in Russia, though attained belated fame outside of Russia when a musical number he performed on Soviet television in the 1970s, in which he sung nonsense lyrics in a rich baritone over luxuriantly loungy background music, but above all with an infectious sense of good cheer, ended up on YouTube and became a meme”. ... (Listen to songs of Eduard Khil)
05 Jun 2012 10:25:00