Do tears of joy look the same as ones of woe—or ones from chopping onions? In “The Topography of Tears,” the Los Angeles-based photographer Rose-Lynn Fisher explores the physical terrain of one hundred tears emitted during a range of emotional states and physical reactions. Using a Zeiss microscope with an attached digital camera, she captures the composition of tears enclosed in glass slides, magnified between 10x and 40x. “There are many factors that determine the look of each tear image, including the viscosity of the tear, the chemistry of the weeper, the settings of the microscope, and the way I process the images afterwards,” she says.
“Elat’ma, the Ryazan Oblast region of Russia. This small town is only 300 kilometers (186 miles) from modern Moscow but remains 60 years in the past, dominated by the spirit of socialism. The air of the communist ‘50s can be seen in the town’s architecture, celebrations and other occurrences. But neither its beauty nor its ties to a socialist past brought photographer Anastasia Rudenko to this village. Elat’ma is unique in that it functions as a town for mentally disabled people”. – Michelle Cohan via CNN. (Photo by Anastasia Rudenko)
(L-R) Diana, Renata, Marina, Sveta and Anastasia of the Showtime reality show “Russian Dolls” visit “The Chaunce Hayden Show” on GFQ Network at Sapphire New York on August 17, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images)
Ukrainian soldiers Anastasia and Vyacheslav embrace prior to their wedding ceremony in a city park in Kyiv, Ukraine, Thursday, April 7, 2022. (Photo by Efrem Lukatsky/AP Photo)
The last of the summer roses are dusted with a coating of frost as the first freezing temperatures descend on Britain on November 7, 2011 in Knutsford, England. The roses are the last blooms to survive the Summer at Curbishleys specialist rose nursery in Cheshire. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
Women, with traditional clothes, collect rose petals at a rose field during rose harvesting season in Isparta, Turkey on June 17, 2020. The collected roses are exported to world wide known perfume factories, especially French companies, after the some process at the factories. Women wear traditional clothes to promote rose harvest with the support of Isparta Municipality. (Photo by Mustafa Ciftci/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Laelys Alavez, Anastasia Bayandina, Ambre Esnault, Laura Gonzalez, Romane Lunel, Eve Planeix, Charlotte Tremble and Laura Tremble of France perform in the artistic swimming team free routine at on August 6, 2024 at Olympic Aquacenter in Saint-Denis, France. (Photo by Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters)