We already wrote about the Russian “Serebro” trio. Good trio, passionate. We recommend you their last music video. Very fierily (but don't show to children). Have a nice weekend! And... God bless Russia! %)
LG Chile has continued the So Real It’s Scary campaign developed at Superheroes, Amsterdam, with their own prank, “Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation?” The video shows an office set up with an 84 inch HD television screen which appears to be a window frame. Job seekers arrive for their interview but freak out when they see what appears to a meteor destroying the city through the window.
The Dora the Explorer balloon moves through Times Square during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade Thursday, November 23, 2006 in New York. (Photo by Frank Franklin II/AP Photo)
US Vogue’s top fashion editor works with photographers to inject style with sci-fi and fantasy. A new book, “Stoppers: Photographs from My Life at Vogue” by Phyllis Posnick and Vogue’s chief editor, Anna Wintour, highlights the results. Here: Surburban Woman #10, Mountainville, New York, August 2006. (Photo by Steven Klein)
Nigerian fashion models are made up for their fashion show to promote ethnic fashion June 13, 2006 in Tel Aviv, Israel. The models said they hope to use the travelling show as a springboard to international fame, in the words of one, “to be the next Naomi Campbell”. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)