Pablo Holcer tests out a VR system made by Neurable that allows the user to control with their thoughts as the EEG headset interprets thoughts into actions in the VR environment at SIGGRAPH 2017 in Los Angeles, California, July 31, 2017. (Photo by Mike Blake/Reuters)

Pablo Holcer tests out a VR system made by Neurable that allows the user to control with their thoughts as the EEG headset interprets thoughts into actions in the VR environment at SIGGRAPH 2017 in Los Angeles, California, July 31, 2017. (Photo by Mike Blake/Reuters)
07 Aug 2017 07:31:00
A woman wears VR glasses while the projection mapping is cast on table and walls during its media preview at “TREE BY NAKED, yoyogi park” restaurant in Tokyo, Japan on July 19, 2018. (Photo by Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)

A woman wears VR glasses while the projection mapping is cast on table and walls during its media preview at “TREE BY NAKED, yoyogi park” restaurant in Tokyo, Japan on July 19, 2018. This restaurant incorporates virtual reality, projection mapping, and music to enhance diners' enjoyment of their food. (Photo by Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)
23 Jul 2018 00:03:00
“Stripper”: Has tucked her cash away safely. (Photo by Nick Veasey/Barcroft Media)

British artist Nick Veasey used an X-ray machine to show us exactly what's going on under people's clothes. The equipment took copies of items separately before they were mashed together to create characters and situations. The work is part of Veasey's latest exhibition named “X-ray Voyeurism”. In order to create the work, the 51-year-old has spent the last 20 years exposing himself to harmful radiation in his studio. Photo: “Stripper”: Has tucked her cash away safely. (Photo by Nick Veasey/Barcroft Media)
22 Jun 2014 10:49:00
These stunning coloured images show detailed x-ray images of everything from skulls to light bulbs. Artist Paula Fontaine, from Westminster Massachusetts, created the images using a process called digital map painting. Here: Brain storm, conceptual composite X-ray. (Photo by Paula Fontaine/Barcroft Media)

These stunning coloured images show detailed x-ray images of everything from skulls to light bulbs. Artist Paula Fontaine, from Westminster Massachusetts, created the images using a process called digital map painting. To create the images the x-ray emission source – the head of the machine on an arm which focuses the beam – is placed over the object. Paula then retreats behind a shielded screen before activating the x-ray exposure. Here: Brain storm, conceptual composite X-ray. (Photo by Paula Fontaine/Barcroft Media)
27 Mar 2015 13:34:00
X-Rays of Presents Hugh Turvey

British Institute of Radiology artist-in-residence Hugh Turvey creates images with x-rays to reveal the hidden contents of wrapped presents.
04 Jul 2013 12:01:00
Shortly after he arrived, Van Agtmael witnessed the aftermath of this suicide bombing at a cafe that soldiers frequented in Mosul. Nine people died and 23 were wounded. (Photo and caption by Van Agtmael/Harrison Jacobs/Magnum Photos)

“Shortly after he arrived, Van Agtmael witnessed the aftermath of this suicide bombing at a cafe that soldiers frequented in Mosul. Nine people died and 23 were wounded”. (Photo and caption by Van Agtmael/Harrison Jacobs/Magnum Photos)
05 Aug 2014 12:26:00
Face Off  Is An American Reality Television Show Part 3

Face Off is an American reality television game show on the Syfy cable network in which a group of prosthetic makeup artists compete against each other to create prostheses such as those found in science fiction and horror films.
11 Sep 2014 16:52:00
Coloured X-ray of a barn owl. A physicist has used X-ray to create an extraordinary collection of artwork. Arie van't Riets pictures reveal birds, fish, monkeys and flowers in an incredible new light. The 66-year-old, from Bathmen in the Netherlands, began X-raying flowers as a means to teach radiographers and physicians how the machine worked. But after adding a bit of colour to the pictures, the retired medical physicist realised the potential for an exciting new collection of art. (Photo by Arie van't Riet/Barcroft Media)

Coloured X-ray of a barn owl. A physicist has used X-ray to create an extraordinary collection of artwork. Arie van't Riets pictures reveal birds, fish, monkeys and flowers in an incredible new light. The 66-year-old, from Bathmen in the Netherlands, began X-raying flowers as a means to teach radiographers and physicians how the machine worked. But after adding a bit of colour to the pictures, the retired medical physicist realised the potential for an exciting new collection of art. (Photo by Arie van't Riet/Barcroft Media)
08 Jul 2014 13:25:00