Beauty is everything for this belle of the ball. (Photo by Jeff Hong)

An animation artist has thrown a group of Disney characters into the real world – and it's not pretty. Jeff Hong, from New York, has taken the childhood favourites and turned their lives upside down. In a series of nightmarish pictures on his Tumblr, the cartoons who once lived happily ever after are now facing up to reality. And judging from these images they're not adjusting well. Photo: Beauty is everything for this belle of the ball. (Photo by Jeff Hong)
22 May 2014 07:48:00
In Character By Howard Schatz Part 2

Photographer Howard Schatz had an idea: place actors in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters. Such was the premise behind his book, In Character: Actors Acting, which captures some of Hollywood’s most emotive stars in the act of, well, making faces. Luckily for us, he continued the tradition for Vanity Fair. Here are some of the best.
06 Jan 2014 11:48:00
In this March 19, 2016 photo, Kay Pike transforms herself using body paint and latex into Superman while live streaming at her home in Calgary, Alberta. Pike refers to all her creations as her “little paint children”. She said it would be boring and lonely to do the painting without an audience. (Photo by Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP Photo)

In this March 19, 2016 photo, Kay Pike transforms herself using body paint and latex into Superman while live streaming at her home in Calgary, Alberta. Pike refers to all her creations as her “little paint children”. She said it would be boring and lonely to do the painting without an audience. (Photo by Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP Photo)
04 Apr 2016 10:54:00
Fat Pop Culture Characters By Alex Solis

Chicago-based illustrator Alex Solis created fat versions of famous pop culture characters in this funny illustration series entitled “Famous Chunkies”.

See also: Part 2 _ Part 3 _ Part 4
16 Jun 2014 10:26:00
Everyday Objects Into Cute Characters By Gilbert Legrand Part 2

French artist Gilbert Legrand’s new series takes everyday objects like corkscrews, tape measures, and more and turns them into hilariously cute characters that almost make you forget their original purpose. Skillfully using each object’s natural shape, he crafts a character full of whimsy and personality. Each is painted to detail, with even the tiniest of characters bearing an expression which leaves no doubt as to their feelings about the situation. It truly takes a talented hand and imagination to turn paint brushes and zippers into humorous characters with surprisingly huge personalities.

See Also: Psrt 1 _ Part 3
10 Jul 2014 11:08:00
Elizabethan Superheroes And Star Wars Characters By Sacha Goldberger Part 1

In order to capture the attention of the public some artists hone their skills, trying to create the ultimate masterpiece that will bring them fame and glory. Others, however, resort to simpler techniques. For example, a French photographer Sacha Goldberger simply combined characters out of Marvel Comics and Star Wars with the fashion of the Elizabethan era and the style of classical Flemish paintings. The results are nothing more than a joke, especially since the main accessory that was placed on each of the characters is the Elizabethan ruff, while everything else remained practically the same. (Photo by Sacha Goldberger)
26 Nov 2014 14:36:00
Elizabethan Superheroes And Star Wars Characters By Sacha Goldberger Part 3

Do you like jabots? Personally, they are not my cup of tea. If your outlook on jabots is similar to mine, then you would consider the idea of Sasha Goldberger rather strange. Just think about it. Who could have thought that putting a ruffled collar on Marvel and DC characters would completely transform their well-recognized appearance? And only a genius would think that taking photos of such an obscenity is a good idea. If some unfortunate child would look at those superheroes, he might think that calling them ‘super’ is an exaggeration. Let’s just hope that he won’t have nightmares after having such a horrific experience. (Photo by Sacha Goldberger)
19 Dec 2014 12:36:00
Everyday Objects Into Cute Characters By Gilbert Legrand Part 1

French artist Gilbert Legrand’s new series takes everyday objects like corkscrews, tape measures, and more and turns them into hilariously cute characters that almost make you forget their original purpose. Skillfully using each object’s natural shape, he crafts a character full of whimsy and personality. Each is painted to detail, with even the tiniest of characters bearing an expression which leaves no doubt as to their feelings about the situation. It truly takes a talented hand and imagination to turn paint brushes and zippers into humorous characters with surprisingly huge personalities.

See Also: Psrt 2 _ Part 3
08 Jul 2014 10:29:00