Jessica Hilltout : Amen-Grassroots Football

The images in Jessica Hilltout‘s Amen tell a gripping story of the joy soccer provides for Africa’s less fortunate. Inspired by her father, Hilltout set off to photograph soccer in Africa in all its shapes and sizes, coming to the conclusion that “the beautiful game exists in its purest form in what I saw — people playing for the joy of playing.”
18 Oct 2012 10:49:00
 Landscapes Carved Out of Books by Guy Laramee

“So I carve landscapes out of books and I paint Romantic landscapes”, says interdisciplinary artist Guy Laramee who, in the course of his 30 years of practice, found his way through such varied and numerous disciplines as : stage writing, stage directing, contemporary music writing, musical instrument design and building, singing, video, scenography, sculpture, installation, painting and literature. Laramee uses books that are slowly falling apart, such as old encyclopedias and dictionaries to create dramatic landscapes.
05 Jan 2013 18:13:00
art of pawel kuczynski

Satirical Art of Pawel Kuczynski
23 May 2012 03:13:00
Creatures of the Mechazoic Era

Belle-Marie (humanoid)
26 May 2012 17:28:00
Liberty Vader

Liberty Vader
06 Jun 2012 10:01:00
Delfoi Museum

Delfoi Museum by Damianos Chronakis
12 Jun 2012 07:10:00
True Friendship

Lucky & Susi Photos by Tina M.
29 Jun 2012 02:14:00

Alan Friedman, sun photographed with a solar telescope using a Hydrogen alpha filter.
03 Oct 2012 09:02:00