Norwegian Trolls By Ivar Rodningen Part 2

Some people think of trolls as nothing but savage beast, yet others realize that beneath their rock-hard skin hides a gentle kind heart. Ivar Rodningem is one of the people who knows the true nature of trolls. Though these creatures look unruly, it is just the way they were born. Trolls come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, and some are simply enormous. They help each other out, though elders tend to be loners, preferring the company of their own thoughts to anybody else. You shouldn’t run for your life if you ever meet a troll, though we wouldn’t recommend pestering them, as they are mighty strong, even the little ones.

See also:Part 1
07 Mar 2015 12:05:00
Cartoon Skeletons By Hyungkoo Lee

Korean artist Hyungkoo Lee has created a series (Homo Animatus) of works featuring skeletal representations of familiar cartoon characters. He uses resin, aluminum sticks, stainless steel wires, springs, and oil paint. If you look closely, you will see the bones of our favorite childhood friends like Canis Latrans Animatus (Wile E. Coyote), Geococcyx Animatus (Roadrunner), Lepus Animatus (Bugs Bunny), Felis Catus Animatus (Tom), Mus Animatus (Jerry), Anas Animatus (Donald Duck) and his three nephews, Animatus H, D and L ( Huey, Dewey and Louie)
06 May 2013 12:42:00
Bike New World Speed Record

Oh, those daredevils! They’re always willing to pull off another incredible stunt to gain fame and glory. Sometimes it’s something incredibly stupid, but sometimes it is simply incredible. The stunt that you can see on this video is of the latter kind. Who would have thought of attaching a jet engine to a bicycle? And who would have dared riding one? Circuit Paul Ricard, that’s who. On November 7 2014 he reached a whooping speed of 333 hm/h (207 mph) on his bicycle. Now that is a tale to tell your grandchildren… if you ever live long enough to see them with a lifestyle such as this.
17 Nov 2014 12:02:00
Donut Doubles By Brandon Voges

Ever wonder what a human head would look like if he or she was turned into a pastry? Well now you can, thanks to the works created by the photographer Brandon Voges. Some of the pictures are light and funny, while others are pretty gruesome and outright disgusting. For example, the comparison of an old lady with some chunky, orange-colored pastry coated with what looks like syrup, really makes you lose your appetite. It is a wonder how they decided to use such an unappealing picture to promote an annual food show of the National Restaurant Association. (Photo by Brandon Voges)
17 Oct 2014 07:00:00
Art Prints By Robson Borges

Robson Borges is a 32 year old illustrator from Brazil. In his illustrations you will see everything from nature, animals, skylines of buildings and much more. The great thing about Borges’ illustration style is the way that he uses the background and objects together to frame his art. You can see a ton of his great prints for sale on society6, as well as in places like Threadless and DesignByHumans. So check out these great art prints and check out more of his apparel designs and art prints through the links below.
17 Aug 2013 06:59:00
Young fawn shelters in the wood. He is so at one with nature that he knows how to call animals to him, and often gets within 30ft of them. (Photo by Adam Tatlow/BNPS)

Cotswold gamekeeper shoots amazing pictures of British wildlife – without the aid of long lenses and elaborate techniques. The photos may look like they have been shot from miles away – but amazingly Adam Tatlow is actually just feet away from his wild subjects. Photo: Young fawn shelters in the wood. He is so at one with nature that he knows how to call animals to him, and often gets within 30ft of them. (Photo by Adam Tatlow/BNPS)
24 Sep 2013 08:31:00
Origami By Ross Symons

As kids we have the natural desire to explore and to create. Whenever our parents would make for us a paper plane, we would become overjoyed seeing it fly across the room. However, planes are not the only thing that can be made from paper, and not only kids are fascinated by it. Some people master the art of origami and are able to create pretty much anything. You never know what’s going to come out when the artist twists and turns a piece of paper in meticulous ways. Finally, the figurine is complete, and you immediately see the striking resemblance of this piece of paper with an animal or some other creature. Ross Symons is one of those artists. He creates his figurines simply for the joy it brings him. Maybe, he uses this as a medium to enter his childhood, or maybe he has other motifs – we will never know. (Photo by Ross Symons)
31 Oct 2014 12:12:00
Game Of Thrones Disney Style By Fernando Mendonca And Anderson Mahans

What happens when you combine two of our favorite things, “Game of Thrones” and Disney animation? That's right: magic. Artists Fernando Mendonça and Anderson Mahanski are the ones responsible for the abundance of joy you'll find below and all we can think is, will Disney ever take on Westeros and give us “Mother of Dragons and the 7 Kingdoms”?

08 Aug 2014 12:08:00