Arctic Dog Houses

Sled dogs in Svalbard, Norway live in little houses built a foot or two off the ground so they remain accessible even after snowstorm. Raising the floor above the cold ground also keeps the dogs warmer in the winter.
09 Jan 2013 12:40:00
Bears Fighting on Road by Shogo Asao

A photographer has captured the moment two 2.4m tall grizzly or brown bears went claw to claw after one tried to steal a salmon the other had caught for his lunch.
16 Nov 2012 12:58:00
Homemade Porsche 911

Making use of ULC (ultra light construction,) an Austrian car enthusiast Hannes Langeder managed to build the lightest and slowest Porsche in the world. ...
15 Oct 2012 10:37:00
Cute kitten named Daisy

Daisy lives in Japan and she's probably the cutest kitten in the world. Here's some pictures of her, photographed by her owner Ben Terode.
16 Oct 2012 11:55:00
Pink Underwing Moth

The Sleepy Underwing or Pink Underwing (Catocala concumbens) is a moth of the Noctuidae family. It is found in eastern North America, west across the southern half of the Prairie Provinces to eastern Alberta.
25 Oct 2012 12:00:00

For many years Sergey takes pictures of wild nature. And every year his feeling of alarm grows. The world, which he photographs, is in danger now.
05 Jul 2012 09:47:00
optical illusions

Trick Eye Museum in South Korea is a perfect place for those who enjoy posing for goofy pics in front of some art objects. It is filled with weird and funny paintings that seem to come out of their frame so that the visitors could take picture with them.
12 Jul 2012 09:58:00

Marcus Levine, who took the skill of hammering some nails into a whole new level. With more than 50,000 nails, he could create some arts on the wall that some people can't even do with a brush and paint.
15 Jul 2012 16:45:00