Skull Art By Ali Gulec

Istanbul-based Ali Gulec is a graphic artist with a difference. His surreal illustrations are like identikit drawings aiming to prosecute the material arts. Working on the margins of what is possible with his medium, Gulec's forms, figures, and situations are remarkable for their clarity and strength of purpose, and maintain an iconographic intensity that would make any rock band bereft of an album cover salivate with admiration.
17 Feb 2016 08:00:00
Grows Crystals On Books By Alexis Arnold

People will spout about impermanence of digital records, but books are really fragile, too. Alexis Arnold from San Francisco wanted to illustrate that with her project The Crystallized Book: collecting books and growing Borax crystals on them. Books range from literature classics to magazines, and there’s even a mysterious and arcane tome called “Linux: The Complete Manual”.
12 Jun 2015 10:55:00
Imaginary Islands By Pierre Antoine Moelo

Here’s a series of imaginary island illustrations created by concept artist Pierre-Antoine Moelo aka Péah.
28 Aug 2014 11:13:00
Dad Superhero By Giulia Pex

Italian photographer and illustrator Giulia Pex has made a statement to the world using her dual crafts. She declared boldly “Dad, You Are My Favorite Superhero” by taking a series of family photographs of her father in ordinary settings.
11 May 2014 11:40:00
Beautiful World By Artem Rhads Cheboha

Russian illustrator from South West of Siberia Rhads (Artem Chebokha) creates surreal digital paintings that have a peaceful yet grandiose feel to them.
22 Jul 2014 11:29:00
Surreal Art by Manuel Rodriguez Sanchez

Discover fabulous use of photomanipulation in these illustrations when you dive into the surreal world of Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez.
03 Sep 2013 10:48:00
Architectural Watercolors By Sunga Park

South Korea-based graphic designer and illustrator Sunga Park has created these incredible watercolor studies of architectural landscapes.
22 Feb 2014 15:03:00
Zombie Portraits By Andre De Freitas

“Zombie Portraits“, a series of portraits zombified by photographer / illustrator Andre De Freitas aka Megatherium: Donald, Batman, Iron Man, Luffy from One Piece, Popeye, Charlie, etc…
01 Jun 2013 11:04:00