An angry Chinese Maserati Quattroporte owner has taken to his luxurious Italian sedan to protest bad customer service from his local Maserati dealership of the Furi Group.
Christopher Payne’s photographic series One Steinway Place allows us a glimpse into the precise, adroit, and masterful artistry that goes into crafting a renowned Steinway piano.
Theridion grallator, also known as the "happy face spider", is a spider in the family Theridiidae. Its Hawaiian name is nananana makakiʻi (face-patterned spider). The specific epithet grallator is Latin for "stilt walker", a reference to the species' long, spindly legs.
The Korowai, also called the Kolufo, are a people of southeastern Papua (i.e., the southeastern part of the western part of New Guinea). They number about 3,000. Until 1970, they were unaware of the existence of any people besides themselves.