1970: Two brown bear cubs born at Whipsnade Zoo

Two brown bear cubs born at Whipsnade Zoo. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images). 1970
28 Nov 2011 12:00:00
A Baby Black Howler Monkey

A zoo keeper feeds Diego, a three month old howler monkey, which is reared at Edinburgh Zoo, July 29, 2008 in Scotland. (Photo by Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images)
18 Dec 2011 11:36:00
Baby clouded leopards, born early in March 2015, are presented by zoo keepers at the Olmense Zoo in Olmen, Belgium, April 16, 2015. (Photo by Yves Herman/Reuters)

Baby clouded leopards, born early in March 2015, are presented by zoo keepers at the Olmense Zoo in Olmen, Belgium, April 16, 2015. The clouded leopard is an endangered species with only some 10,000 specimen remaining on earth, said Robby Van der Velden, a biologist at the Olmense Zoo. (Photo by Yves Herman/Reuters)
17 Apr 2015 09:44:00
Rescued Baby Dolphin

A South American marine animal rescue group “S.O.S Rescate de Fauna Marina” is raising a baby La Plata Dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) found beached near Montevideo city with its umbilical cord still attached. The group is headed by Richard Tesore who is shown swimming with the baby female dolphin near the seaside resort of Piriapolis in Uruguay.
27 Jun 2014 11:56:00
Stella the mother and her cub Zean rest together at The Milwaukee County Zoo  Zean and B'alam  are the two newest jaguar cubs with the mother Stella who are now on public exhibit, at four months old. B' alam (who has larger and darker spots as well as a square space on her forehead showing no spots) name means "Great and powerful king in Mayan.   Zean encompasses the Belize people living and working in Belize, with all cultures. She has smaller, almost greyish spots on her coat.  The names were revealaed at the Milwaukee County Zoo, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Journal Sentinel photo by Rick Wood/RWOOD@JOURNALSENTINEL.COM

The first jaguar litter since 1975 was born at the Milwaukee County Zoo to Stella and Pat on November 13, 2013. The litter was on public display for the first time on March 13 when the jaguar baby's names were released. Belize schoolchildren named one Zean, which is the end of Belizean, and a public contest named the other B'alam, which means "great and powerful king" in Mayan. Photo: Stella the mother and her cub Zean rest together at The Milwaukee County Zoo. (Photo by Rick Wood)
15 Mar 2013 07:51:00
Baby Parrots meet each other after they were caught and preserved by local hunters for sale. Parrots, are among the most intelligent birds, and the ability of some species to imitate human voices enhances their popularity as pets. (Photo by Caisii Mao/NurPhoto/Sipa USA)

Wildlife are hunted down for consumption or for sale in the India eastern state of Nagaland. Hunters can make a good living, with some bred for food or to be sold as pets. These baby parrots, photographed by Caisii Mao via Sipa USA, are seen after they were caught and preserved by a local hunter and for sale at a private residence in Dimapur, India north eastern state of Nagaland on Wednesday, July 24, 2013. (Photo by Caisii Mao/NurPhoto/Sipa USA)
28 Jul 2013 08:45:00
Raymond The Baby Koala

This is Raymond, an orphaned koala that was found abandoned beside a road in Brisbane, Australia. He was named after the man who found him.
28 Sep 2013 09:10:00
Baby Fennec Fox

“The fennec fox is a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara of North Africa. Its most distinctive feature is unusually large ears. The name “fennec” comes from the Arabic word for fox, and the species name zerda has a Greek origin that refers to its habitat. The fennec is the smallest species of canid in the world; coat, ears and kidney functions have adapted to a high-temperature, low-water, desert environment. In addition, its hearing is sensitive enough to hear prey moving underground”. – Wikipedia

Photo: A Baby Fennec is seen at Sunshine International Aquarium on June 24, 2009 in Tokyo, Japan. The small nocturnal fox babies were born on May 17 2009. (Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images)
16 Sep 2011 12:02:00