Skateboarding Mice By Shane Willmott

Three years ago, Shane Willmott wowed the world with his surfing mice. Now, the Australian has taken on a new challenge - training his radical rodents to skateboard. Mr Willmott, who lives in the Gold Coast area of eastern Australia, near Brisbane, has even built his furry friends a mini skate park. Fearless mice Harvey and Pedro take on ramps, half-pipes and even a deadly ring of fire.
14 Aug 2013 12:54:00
Untitled. (Photo by Elena Shumilova)

These beautiful photos capture the tender moments between two young boys who share a unique bond with animals. Elena Shumilova, from Andreapol, Russia, began taking pictures of her sons Yaroslav and Vanya in early 2012 when she received her first professional camera. The pair were immediately accepted by the animals from a young age and their incredible bond continues to strengthen as they get older. Elena, 32, was able to capture images her boys playing with such animals as rabbits, dogs, cats and ducks as they become totally immersed in their communication with their furry friends. (Photo by Elena Shumilova)
28 Jan 2014 09:55:00
Cats in Art by Russian digital artist Svetlana Petrova. (Photo by Svetlana Petrova/Zarathustra the Cat)

A Russian digital artist Svetlana Petrova has taken her love of cats to the next level – by adding her furry friend to some of the world's greatest artwork. Svetlana has placed photos of her tabby, called Zarathustra, posing alongside the most well-known pieces in history for her UK exhibition. (Photo by Svetlana Petrova/Zarathustra the Cat)
16 Jun 2014 09:58:00
Mangalitsa The Hairy Pig

When you look at the picture of a furry pig that resembles a sheep from a distance, you may think that this may be the result of the work of some crazy scientist that tinkered with the pig’s genome. However, in this case, this is not true. Mangalica is a natural breed of pigs, which were bred in Europe for their lard. This breed of pigs is very unique, since the only other breed of pigs which had a long coat was Loncolnshire Curly Coat, which is now extinct. In the past, these pigs were quite popular, since they were able to produce a lot of lard. However, when the demand for pig lard dwindled, the population of these pigs rapidly decreased, making it a “rare breed”.
01 Dec 2014 13:42:00
Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroo

For some reason, everything that comes from Australia is either very cute or very poisonous; sometimes cute and poisonous at the same time. For example, Slow Loris, which you probably have seen eating a ball of rice on YouTube, is actually a very poisonous creature, despite its extreme cuteness. Goodfellow’s tree-kangaroos, on the other hand, are all cuteness and no poison. Just look at its cute little snout and furry paws, as it gingerly scratches its stomach, while sitting on its hind legs! If you don’t find this creature adorable, nothing will be able to thaw your stone-cold heart.
30 Nov 2014 13:38:00
Animal Beards By David Kiefaber

Are you a fan of beards? If you are, have you ever thought that it might look like some sort of furry animal? David Kiefaber thought of the same thing when he participated in the “Free Your Skin” campaign, organized by Y&R New Zealand. You might think that you look all rugged and manly while wearing that luscious beard. But in reality, you simply look like a guy with a dead squirrel on his face. Or a raccoon… if you’re a greying middle-aged man. Hopefully, you’re not one of those people whose beard looks and/or smells like a skunk.
02 Dec 2014 11:39:00
 Flying Squirrel

Flying squirrels are not capable of powered flight like birds or bats; instead, they glide between trees. They are capable of obtaining lift within the course of these flights, with flights recorded to 90 meters (295 ft). The direction and speed of the animal in midair is varied by changing the positions of its two arms and legs, largely controlled by small cartilaginous wrist bones. This changes the tautness of the patagium, a furry parachute-like membrane that stretches from wrist to ankle. It has a fluffy tail that stabilizes in flight. The tail acts as an adjunct airfoil, working as an air brake before landing on a tree trunk.
07 Aug 2012 16:29:00
Hamlet the micro pig may already be a hit on Instagram, but its not stopped her from hogging the limelight on her birthday. Known for her adorable costume play, the miniature pig, from Pasadena, California, celebrated her first birthday in style, inviting all her furry Instagram friends to join her party. Pictured wearing a bright pink tutu and a tiara fit for a princess, Hamlet, who is named after Lady Hamlet from the Shakespeare play, shows that shes no boar when it comes to partying. Here: Hamlet enjoying his birthday party. (Photo by Caters News)

Hamlet the micro pig may already be a hit on Instagram, but its not stopped her from hogging the limelight on her birthday. Known for her adorable costume play, the miniature pig, from Pasadena, California, celebrated her first birthday in style, inviting all her furry Instagram friends to join her party. Pictured wearing a bright pink tutu and a tiara fit for a princess, Hamlet, who is named after Lady Hamlet from the Shakespeare play, shows that shes no boar when it comes to partying. Here: Hamlet enjoying his birthday party. (Photo by Caters News)
31 Mar 2015 12:53:00