Two men on the deck of a ship, about 1890. (Photo by Collection of National Media Museum/Kodak Museum)

“Today, we take photography for granted. Anyone can take a photograph simply by pressing a button. Yet, it was not always so simple. The invention of photography was announced in 1839, but during its first fifty years taking a photograph was a complicated and expensive business. In 1888, all this was to change following the appearance of a camera that was to revolutionize photography. Popular photography can properly be said to have started 120 years ago with the introduction of the Kodak”. – The UK National Media Museum. Photo: Two men on the deck of a ship, about 1890. (Photo by Collection of National Media Museum/Kodak Museum)
27 May 2014 10:31:00
Where's the fish?/n. South Kamchatka Sanctuary<><>South Kamchatka Sanctuary; Kuril Lake; Kamchatka; bear; salmon; spawning

Igor Shpilenok works in the reserve at Kamchatka, Russia. Igor is a fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers and a winner of the 2006 BBC Wildlife Photographer Competition. Igor’s work has been published in numerous international and Russian magazines, including Smithsonian, National Wildlife, Geo, and BBC Wildlife.

“How does a bear behave when encounter a human? In most cases he runs away. But before running he almost always would rise to stand on his rear feet. And this behavior does not indicate the attack, as many people think...” – Igor Shpilenok. (Photo by Igor Shpilenok via Wildlife Photo Russia)
16 Sep 2012 12:54:00
Kawakanih Yawalapiti, 9, Upper Xingu region of Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2018: Kawakanih lives with her tribe, the Yawalapiti, in Xingu national park, a preserve in the Amazon basin of Brazil. The Yawalapiti collect seeds to preserve species unique to their ecosystem, which lies between the rain forest and savannah. Kawakanih’s diet is simple, consisting mainly of fish, cassava, porridge, fruit and nuts. “It takes five minutes to catch dinner”, says Kawakanih. “When you’re hungry, you just go to the river with your net”. (Photo by Gregg Segal/The Guardian)

Photographer Gregg Segal travelled the world to document children and the food they eat in a week. Partly inspired by the increasing problems of childhood obesity, he tracked traditional regional diets as yet unaffected by globalisation, and ironically, found that the healthiest diets were often eaten by the least well off. (Photo by Gregg Segal/The Guardian)
03 Jul 2019 00:03:00
A participant poses backstage before a drag queen competition during carnival festivities in Las Palmas on the Spanish Canary Island of Gran Canaria February 20, 2015. (Photo by Borja Suarez/Reuters)

A participant poses backstage before a drag queen competition during carnival festivities in Las Palmas on the Spanish Canary Island of Gran Canaria February 20, 2015. (Photo by Borja Suarez/Reuters)
22 Feb 2015 10:39:00
Pilgrims wearing traditional dresses take part during the Queen of Angeles pilgrimage in Alajar, southern Spain, September 8, 2015. (Photo by Marcelo del Pozo/Reuters)

Pilgrims wearing traditional dresses take part during the Queen of Angeles pilgrimage in Alajar, southern Spain, September 8, 2015. Every year, devotees converge at the Arias Montano crag to pay homage to the Queen of Angeles during an annual pilgrimage which combines religious fervour and festive colour. (Photo by Marcelo del Pozo/Reuters)
09 Sep 2015 12:42:00
What Ali Wore By Zoe Spawton

Every morning at 9:05 AM sharp, a strikingly dapper octogenarian saunters by Zoe Spawton's coffee shop on his way to work in the Berlin borough of Neukölln. That man's name is Ali. He is an 83-year-old Turkish tailor who has been living in Germany for the past 44 years. He has 18 kids, and an impeccable sense of style.
05 Apr 2013 10:44:00
It’s Not What It Seems By Artist Hikaru Cho

Japanese artist Hikaru Cho is already well-known for her bizarre and realistic body paintings, but now the Tokyo-based artist has applied her talent to everyday food items as well. In her playful “It’s Not What It Seems” series, she turns common foods into other kinds of food using only acrylic paint and her extraordinary talent.
22 Mar 2014 11:32:00
Surfer Arlen Macpherson sits on his board, which has an electronic shark repellent device installed, at Sydney's Bondi Beach in Australia, August 18, 2015. A spate of shark attacks in Australia has left some of world's top surfing beaches deserted and many people having second thoughts about taking a swim as the summer approaches. Macpherson paid A$390 for a device embedded in his surf board to repel sharks by emitting an electronic force field that overpowers its sensing organs. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)

Surfer Arlen Macpherson sits on his board, which has an electronic shark repellent device installed, at Sydney's Bondi Beach in Australia, August 18, 2015. A spate of shark attacks in Australia has left some of world's top surfing beaches deserted and many people having second thoughts about taking a swim as the summer approaches. Macpherson paid A$390 for a device embedded in his surf board to repel sharks by emitting an electronic force field that overpowers its sensing organs. (Photo by David Gray/Reuters)
19 Aug 2015 12:47:00