Digital Art Вy Mario Sanchez Nevado

I'm an independent Art Director and Illustrator. I was born in Barcelona, risen in Murcia and currently I live on the spanish capital, Madrid. I have got more than a decade of expertise on my back, illustrating and designing for music bands and publishing houses.

Mario Sanchez Nevado
25 May 2014 10:10:00
Rangoli Folk Art From India

Rangoli, also known as kolam or Muggu, is a folk art from India in which patterns are created on the floor in living rooms or courtyards using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or flower petals. It is usually made during Diwali, Onam, Pongal and other Indian festivals. They are meant to be sacred welcoming areas for the Hindu deities. The ancient symbols have been passed down through the ages, from each generation to the next, keeping both the art form and the tradition alive. Similar practices are followed in different Indian states: in Tamil Nadu, there is Kolam in Tamil Nadu; Mandana in Rajasthan; Chaookpurna in Chhattisgarh; Alpana in West Bengal; Aripana in Bihar; Chowk pujan in Uttar Pradesh; Muggu in Andhra Pradesh and others.
16 Jun 2014 10:37:00
The Art Of Clean Up By Ursus Wehrli

Are you one of those people who like to keep everything in order? If you do, you’re going to love the project The Art of Clean Up, created by Ursus Wehrli. This guy will perfectly organize the most unusual of places! Do you hate how unorganized the parking lots are, or how your haphazardly your grandma hangs the laundry to dry in the sun? Welcome to the perfect world where everything is in its rightful place. Every little detail is kept in check; every color is placed where it belongs, just like you love it. Did you ever think that your Christmas tree is not orderly enough? Well, Ursus will take it apart and put it in near little piles. (Photo by Ursus Wehrli)
15 Dec 2014 11:09:00
Surreal Art by Manuel Rodriguez Sanchez

Discover fabulous use of photomanipulation in these illustrations when you dive into the surreal world of Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez.
03 Sep 2013 10:48:00
Dirty Art Car By Rafael Veyisov

During work hours on one of the busiest streets of Baku, Azerbaijan’s capital, parking attendant Rafael Veyisov wipes off the dust on cars with his fingers, slowly contouring the shapes of tall buildings and flying birds. In his artwork, he generally illustrates real towns to educate people about other countries, but sometimes he also lets his imagination run wild and produces impressive original works. Surprised by his talent, the car owners who regularly leave their vehicles in Rafael’s care, often leave them dirty just to give him an excuse to play around, and take photos of his beautiful artworks.
13 Oct 2013 17:31:00
Spray Painting Art By David Walker

Artist David Walker creates female portraits that are layered with color, motion, and emotion.He started painting three years ago and has built up a strong fanbase after decorating buildings all over the world, from his home in London to the streets of New York. He paints his beautiful portraits on walls, canvas, records, and other surfaces using spray paint only, and without ever using a brush.
26 Mar 2013 11:53:00
Little tom and his half sister, judy... by DONALD ROLLER WILSON

Little tom and his half sister, judy... by DONALD ROLLER WILSON

22 May 2012 00:04:00
little people street art

The street artist known only as Slinkachu has been abandoning little people on the streets of London since 2006. His first project, “Little People in the City”, saw minature men, women and children living their lives on the streets of London and was immortalised in the 2008 book entitled “Little People in the City”. Since then, Slinkachu has done a number of other projects, notably “Whatever Happened to the Men of Tomorrow” which documented the decline of a tiny, middleaged and balding super-hero on the streets of London and “Inner City Snail – a slow moving street art project” which saw Slinkachu “customising” a number of London snails which then presumably went about their business none the wiser.
09 Jun 2012 12:11:00