Chinese women wear face-kinis as they walk in to the water to swim at the beach on August 20, 2014 in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao, China. The locally designed mask is worn by many local women to protect them from jellyfish stings, algae and the sun's ultraviolet rays. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

Chinese women wear face-kinis as they walk in to the water to swim at the beach on August 20, 2014 in the Yellow Sea in Qingdao, China. The locally designed mask is worn by many local women to protect them from jellyfish stings, algae and the sun's ultraviolet rays. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)
28 Aug 2014 11:08:00
Jane Fonda, Studio Willy Rizzo, Paris, 1966. (Photo by Willy Rizzo)

“Willy Rizzo was an Italian photographer and designer. In late 1948, Willy began an illustrious twenty-year career with Paris Match that would have him photograph some of the greatest names of the golden age of photojournalism. Married later to actress Elsa Martinelli, Rizzo enjoyed unparalleled access to the stars; Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso all found themselves in front of Rizzo’s lens”. – Wikipedia. Photo: Jane Fonda, Studio Willy Rizzo, Paris, 1966. (Photo by Willy Rizzo)
28 Mar 2014 07:12:00
One image shows an unidentified American soldier posing with a pistol, helmet, and Iron Cross medal taken from a German soldier, 1918. (Photo by Mario Unger/Mediadrumworld)

The faces of war have been brought back to life after a series of World War One photographs were expertly colourised. The black and white snaps were painstakingly restored and colourised by photographer Mario Unger (53) from Rotenturm, Austria. Here: One image shows an unidentified American soldier posing with a pistol, helmet, and Iron Cross medal taken from a German soldier, 1918. (Photo by Mario Unger/Mediadrumworld)
04 Dec 2017 07:47:00
Fun With Face Swaps Part 2

The internet has been awash with face swaps for years — here’s our contribution to the art of creating nightmares with Photoshop.
04 Jun 2014 16:18:00
Face Painting by Elsa Rhae Pageler

There isn’t exactly a college out there for face painting so Elsa Rhae Pageler‘s talent is as raw as it comes. Perhaps what’s even more amazing is that the video editor and producer from Kansas City graduated with a degree in Film and Media Studies and only does face painting and airbrushing as a side job. An application may take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours and apart from outside gigs, she features video tutorials on her YouTube channel showing how she paints herself to recreate video game and fictional characters. Photo: “Face Palm”. (Photo by Elsa Rhae Pageler)
19 Jun 2014 12:40:00

Tsar Alexander II (1818–1881) known as “The Liberator” lying in state. He was mortally wounded by an assassination attack in St Petersburg. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). March 1881
31 Jan 2014 10:19:00

Two guards perform an execution in China, one holding the gun, the other holding a mask over the victim's face. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1925
23 Jun 2011 10:43:00
Fun With Face Swaps Part 1

The internet has been awash with face swaps for years — here’s our contribution to the art of creating nightmares with Photoshop.
01 Jun 2014 11:01:00