Dead fish are pictured on the banks of the Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro February 24, 2015.  International Olympic Committee members meeting in Rio de Janeiro this week will understand if its waters are not completely clean for the sailing events in 2016, the state's governor said on Monday. (Photo by Ricardo Moraes/Reuters)

Dead fish are pictured on the banks of the Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro February 24, 2015. International Olympic Committee members meeting in Rio de Janeiro this week will understand if its waters are not completely clean for the sailing events in 2016, the state's governor said on Monday. (Photo by Ricardo Moraes/Reuters)
01 Mar 2015 00:23:00
Divers swim beside millions of silverside fish at Devil's Grotto, Cayman Islands. Swimming in unison, millions of silverside fish dwarf the divers. The fish create waves of silver light as they move around the grottos that lie beneath the surface of the Caribbean Sea. These amazing photographs were captured by Belgian photographer Ellen Cuylaerts, 44, on a diving trip to the Devil's Grotto, Cayman Islands. (Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts/This is Guavo Media)

Divers swim beside millions of silverside fish at Devil's Grotto, Cayman Islands. Swimming in unison, millions of silverside fish dwarf the divers. The fish create waves of silver light as they move around the grottos that lie beneath the surface of the Caribbean Sea. These amazing photographs were captured by Belgian photographer Ellen Cuylaerts, 44, on a diving trip to the Devil's Grotto, Cayman Islands. (Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts/This is Guavo Media)
08 Sep 2014 11:08:00
The Tiny Fishing Community On Migingo Island

Migingo is a tiny 2,000-square-metre (0.49-acre; 0.20-hectare) island, about half the size of a football pitch, in Lake Victoria. Migingo is a tiny rock island, less than half-an-acre or about half the size of a football field, located in Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world. Although tiny in size, the island is home to 131 people (according to 2009 census) living in crammed huts made of corrugated sheets and wood. Despite shabby living conditions, Migingo Island boasts of five bars, a beauty salon, a pharmacy as well as several hotels and numerous brothels.
19 Feb 2014 16:18:00
Siamese fighting fish. (Visarute Angkatavanich)

Siamese fighting fish. (Photo by Visarute Angkatavanich)
25 Feb 2014 12:44:00
Siamese Fighting Fish By Visarute Angkatavanich

Visarute Angkatavanich gets incredibly close up to capture these stunning portraits of Siamese fighting fish in graceful, dancerly poses. The Thai photographer uses perfectly placed lighting to create the dramatic highlights and shadows that give personality to each little finned creature.
24 Nov 2013 12:52:00
A boy catches a trout while ice fishing on a frozen river during a fishing contest in Hwacheon, South Korea, Saturday, January 14, 2017. (Photo by /Ahn Young-joon/AP Phot)

A boy catches a trout while ice fishing on a frozen river during a fishing contest in Hwacheon, South Korea, Saturday, January 14, 2017. The contest is part of an annual ice festival which draws over 1,000,000 visitors every year. (Photo by /Ahn Young-joon/AP Phot)
15 Jan 2017 10:49:00
Fish Head Arts By Anne-Catherine Becker-Ech­ivard

The 37-year-old French artist Anne-Catherine Becker Echivard’s latest artworks were inspired by the silent movies of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton; she uses real-life smelly fish heads as her models for some photos that depict everyday life to address topics.
15 Aug 2013 14:09:00
In this February 19, 2014 photo, a skate seller puts slices of skate into styrofoam boxes for shipment to customers around South Korea at a fish market in Mokpo, a port city on the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula. The aroma of one of southwestern South Korea's most popular delicacies regularly gets compared to rotting garbage and filthy bathrooms. (Photo by Ahn Young-joon/AP Photo)

In this February 19, 2014 photo, a skate seller puts slices of skate into styrofoam boxes for shipment to customers around South Korea at a fish market in Mokpo, a port city on the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula. The aroma of one of southwestern South Korea's most popular delicacies regularly gets compared to rotting garbage and filthy bathrooms. And that's by fans. The unusual dish is typically made by taking dozens of fresh skate, a cartilage-rich fish that looks like a stingray, stacking them up in a walk-in refrigerator and waiting. Up to a month in some cases. (Photo by Ahn Young-joon/AP Photo)
11 Apr 2014 07:41:00